been divorced for 10 years and ten years for dating Michael

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I just wanted to say I'm using Y/N again. So here we go I hope you injoy 😊

It's been 10 years since the divorce with prince and you haven't spoken to him in those exact 10 years you are now dating Michael now because of the way prince treated you in your second marriage with him. "Y/N sweet-" but you cut Michael off.

"Michael honey if this is about would I ever go back out or marry prince again that's a no because he was abusive and a psycho path" you say closing the refrigerator.

"No no its not about that Y/N since we used to be friends and we are now dating I-I..I was wondering if you Y/N would do the honors of becoming my wife?" You looked, at Michael with a smile on your face and said "yes....yes Michael I will become your wife I love you very very much at least you don't treat me very badly like prince did" you say hugging him a smile forms a crossed Michael's face Michael puts, the ring on your finger. And spins you around and around "Y/N I promise you I'll never treat you the way prince did that's not what's in my heart babygirl" Michael says pecking your lips. You went for a walk an hour later when you was walking you bumped, into prince "Y/N prince your engaged again and I'm sorry I hurt you when we was married our second time" prince says with shyness in his eyes hopping you would for give him.

"Why would I for give you you hurt me to the point where I can't trust you now leave me alone I'm happy with Michael now goodbye" you say running, away but prince grabs, you by the arm. "Leave me alone prince" you say as you got out of his grip.

"This isn't over Y/N " prince shouts "I will get you back one way or another"

But you ignored him and went straight back to Michael.

Hey guys I'm so sorry this is short but I'm really tired and going to bed now lovies I hope you injoyed this chapter

MichaelJacksonfan108 😃

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