Tournaments and Turnings

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About 3 or 4 months after I joined, We had a tournament. We thought we didn't really have that great of a chance because of all the new kids we had. Me, and two of my other friends were the new kids.

First game:
Well, first game went well, we won 2-1. It was an intense game, but we won and we were happy.

Second game:
We won again but I'm not really sure what the score was. At this point, we were in 1st place in the rankings. The next game wasn't until the next day.

Third game:
The Semi-Finals. What will happen? Will we loose? Will we win? Well, the game was VERY intense, lots of fouls and calls. We lost. 2-1 but we were still in 2nd place after that. We were going to the finals.

Finals (Fourth game):
The game. The final game of the tournament. We had a feeling we were going to loose. We were playing against the same team as we played in the semi-finals. The sharks. For the whole game, they had Jaws music on and it was really annoying.
Then, all of a sudden, 10 minutes into the game. Boom. Goal. It was a corner kick. She places the kick perfectly. Our best player scores the header. Or the facer, because she hit it in with her face.
3 goals and 80 minutes later, that whistle blows. *beep beep beeeeeeep* I hear from the middle of the field. My body shivers knowing we just won the tournament. We hear our parents and teammates.
Our coach tells us to bring it in and we take a little longer to than usual. We were getting our water bottles ready to pour on him. Unfortunately, he has the reflexes of a cat, so he didn't get soaked. We did trying to pour it on him.

We received the trophies and took a few pictures. That was the best weekend ever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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