A Beautiful End To An Ugly Beginning.

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3 Months after the downfall of umbrella and Tricell.

Over the past few weeks the court case was brought to an end and they were waiting eagerly on a decision.

Urgent Notice For The attention of Mr Chris Redfield.

Chris eyed the paper carefully, it was sealed with an official government seal, he'd seen them before when Leon received letters but why did he have one? I stare at him carefully, we'd be woken by a loud banging on the door and were greeted by 2 men in black suits. "chris what is it." I ask him getting up from my place on the sofa and walking over to him. He opens the letter and begins to read it, his face instantly lights up, " It's over." he whispers, I look at him confused, "what do you mean over?" I ask he hands me the letter and I begin to read it:

Dear Mr Redfield,

In the recent court case against umbrella and Tricell pharmaceutical company we would like to inform you that the evidence the Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Association presented was sufficient enough to allow us to come to a decision. We have thought that in the Best interests of the families of raccoon city and all 51 states of America, that these companies shall cease to exist, the companies shall be dissolved within the next 2-3 months and all products these companies sponsored or made will be destroyed. We wish you the best of luck for the future and you will be receiving an official government visit within the next few days. We understand that you and on Jillian Valentine are now living in the same dwelling so we would like you to pass the information on to her.


The United States Government.

I Dropped the letter to the floor and dive into his arms, he's more than happy to return my embrace,

" after all these years they can finally be at peace." I say to him " yeah and we can finally have a life together without the worry of either of us dieing out in the field." he says to me "I think a celebration is in order, call everyone party here tonight. I can't believe it's finally over, we can have our lives back." I say walking to the bedroom to change into my clothes.

A few hours later me and Chris were out shopping in the new raccoon mall, no Tricell sponsor stickers or endorsements any where, all the pharmacies now had REAL Cure's and drugs none of that reanimating death crap that occupied the shelves just a little over 5 months ago. I stop outside of a store and see the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen, A pristine Silver chain, The pendant was a ladder style filled with what looked like blue diamonds....The price tag however not so beautiful $5000 That was a lot for a necklace, chris saw what I was looking at "why don't you go and take a look for a new outfit or a dress for tonight, I'll come and meet you I just need to get something's from the computer store my laptop's been on the fritz lately." He says I nod and head towards a new clothes store. About 20 minutes later I see chris walk into the store with a bag in his hand, looks like he found what he needed. He spots me in the crowd and walks over to me, placing a gently kiss to my cheek. To this day I still blush. All of a sudden a loud shriek comes form inside the store, I swing my head round to see a crowd of women staring at me and chris, " Oh My God That's chris Redfield From the BSAA." one woman shouts as the bombard over to us, I'm instantly knocked to the ground and Chris is hoarded by fans, he pushes his way through and leans down to pick me up " sorry ladies but I'm taken." he says as he carries me out the store. When we get outside he sets me down "talk about you horde of brainless zombies." he laughs, he takes my hand and leads me towards the car park. When we reach Chris's hummer He unlocks it and we climb in, Before he starts the car he hands me the back he was carrying "look inside." he orders "ok but what is it." I ask as I take out the box that was in the bag, I open the box slowly, as soon as I see what's inside My eyes fill with tears "chris...this is the necklace I saw in the jewellery store how did you afford this." I ask as I allow him to fasten it around my neck "I've been saving up for a while, for a deposit on one of those new build house down in orchard on 3rd, and I had some to spare after I brought the house." he says jingling the keys in front of me. "you brought a house." I ask him "For us, now that umbrella's gone and Tricell to we can finally start over without living in fear." He says, I spin round to face him "you are to good to be true Chris Redfield." I say as he pulls be into a kiss. After a few moments he pulls away and starts the car and were off. We arrive at our new home to see people already taking our things in, our friends and family helping, Claire see's the car pull up and runs over to use "you guys are here, chris called this morning and asked us to move all the stuff here whilst you were out...so we did, oh wow jill look at that necklace it's gorgeous." Claire says as she eye's up my necklace "yeah it is chris brought it me today." I say as I twirl it between my fingers. Chris stepped out the car and took Claire over to the side, Claire looked over Chris's shoulder and back at him, she threw her arms around him and was crying in delight. I jump out of the car and walk over to them "whats going on here?" I ask "oh nothing just catching up." chris says as he picks up a box that was lying near the white front door, he takes it inside and I follow closely behind in complete aww this is not a house It might as well be a mansion it's HUGE. I walk upstairs to inspect the rooms to find all brand new bedroom furniture, and elegant bed which had white panels attached to the ceiling at the four corners of the bed, Mirrored drawers, and bedside tables also a dressing table. But I can't help but wonder were the wardrobe was, I open one of the doors in the room and instantly found the wardrobe, a walk in wardrobe which was big enough for a bedroom. How the hell did chris afford this place? I wonder. I go down stairs and into one of the 3 reception rooms. I can just imagine that in a few years time or sometime in the near future, mine and Chris's children running around this house. Yeah I can Definitely see My family grow here.

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