I Think I Love you......

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After our recent success on our first big mission Barry the leader of the Alpha Team decided to throw a little party at his house more of a BBQ everyone was there Me and Carlos, Barry and his wife Kathy and his kids, Claire and Leon, Caitlyn and Steve , Sheva and Chris, and also Rebecca Chambers A medic and only survivor from the Delta Team and Billy Coen A Wanted criminal accused for murder but saved our lives.

"So Jill how are things with you and Alex." Barry asked me

" Erm...Good thanks." I said faking a smile

After about 5 hours everyone seemed to have a bit of alcohol in their systems so there was lots of laughing and silly dares me and Carlos however were drunk and Alex didn't like it Sheva kept throwing dirty looks at me all night and mocking me been as she knew how I felt about Chris and how she was going out with him.

Alex came over to were me and Carlos were he grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

"Jill what are you doing." He asked frowning at me

"Oh liven up Im just having some fun." I said almost tripping over but inevitably I laughed

"Yeah well you can have fun sober." he said now holding me against a wall by my shoulders everyone must have noticed at this point as they had all come over watching

"Come on Alex you know I love you.........Or is that just the alcohol talking." I said everyone gasped he turned and looked at me

"so that's it then is it it's over." he said

"I guess it is." I said pushing his hands away from my shoulders about 5 seconds later he walked out

"Jill were so sorry." Barry said comforting me

"Eh.. I don't care." I said

"your not drunk are you Jill." Barry said

"Nope." I said with a huge grin on my face Everyone began to laugh and the party carried on for another good 3 ½ hours I was sitting by the pool in the swimsuit I had under my clothes until Chris, Carlos, Barry, Billy, Steve and Leon came over picked me up and threw me in the pool a few of them lost their footing so they ended up joining me chris on the other hand stayed perfectly dry.

"That was not fair." I said Trying to kick carlos away from my legs as he tried to drag me under

"It was totally fair valentine haha you tricked us now we trick you it's a fair deal." chris said throwing of his shirt and cannon balling into the pool sending a very scared steve over to the other side of the pool everyone laughed at the scene as all the old friends got soaked and drunk but sheva didn't like the fact that chris was with me the whole time he was in the pool after half and hour or so everyone left there was only me, Barry, Kathy, Sheva and chris left this time we were in barry's Jacuzzi and in our swim suits

"so how has life been since we last got together like this." barry asked me and chris

"pretty good I finally got my BSAA letter and they've accepted me as a full agent." I said a smile beaming on my face

"Jill that's amazing why didn't you tell me ." chris said splashing water at me I just laughed sheva decided it was time for them to leave so she made the excuse of she wasn't feeling to good chris fell for it of course I left about and hour later after having Barry's kinds tackle me to the ground and give me a noogey . I drove home quietly trying to make a lonely night feel better but I couldn't so I took my chases and found the only person who could possibly ever make me feel happy and also who can handle a good joke and a few beers. I picked up my phone and placed it to my ear waiting to hear his voice.

"hello This is chris and you would be." He said a slight hint of humour in his voice

"Oh haha Redfield any chance you could peel yourself away from baseball and the wicked witch of the west and come have a beer or two with me we got a lot of catching up to do." I asked

"do you read my mind valentine because..." then there was a knock at the door I went and answered I shocked by what I saw

"I already here." he said as he pushed me inside my apartment closed the door next thing I knew was I was lying on the sofa with Chris's lips firmly set against mine.

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