Prologue (The Beginning)

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Art Credit: Google images

Attention: This book is fan fiction of Pokemon so some parts may not make sense, just saying for different person, it depends on you.

Oh, and another thing, Enjoy the book! :)


Scott was sleeping in his bed with his Pokemon, Gible, in one appartment on Jubilife city, when he's father called him "Scott, come down here to eat breakfast so we can start working in the TV station".

Scott woke up, got his clothes, a black T-shirt, blue pants, red and grey shoes, a red scarf, a yellow backpack and a Pokétch, he ran downstairs with Gible and started eating breakfast with his dad who was called Dave, it was a 34 year old man with black hair, brown eyes with a little beard that wore a brown T-shirt with some blue pants and some brown shoes. And Gible ate some Pokefood. They were eating eggs with bacon and orange juice, Dave was his only family, his mother died when he was little and didn't know anyone of his family his dad told him that he was the only one left. He got his Gible from an egg that his dad gave him when he was 6 years old.

When they finished they got out of the appartment and started walking towards the TV station passing through the city's fountain, it was morning so some people got out a walk with Pokemon, saw some Starly's flying in flocks in the hight as the building and a a kid from the trainer school sitting in the edge of the fountain waiting for the school to open with an his Azurill in the fountain's water. Finally they got to the station and at the side of it were the actors and the producers recording a movie, where probably they will be working on. They open the door entering and hearing the sound of bells in the door.

"Hello Dave!", someone greeted walking downstairs of the building, then Scott realized it was Charles, Dave's boss of the station. "We are starting a new movie called The Pokemon Hunter, and we want you to put the designs and place of the TV screen (He's dad works placing the special effects of the movies and shows, and Scott put the places of it).

"No problem boss" answered Dave walking with Scott walking to the elevator and press the 8 floor button to the TV screen room. They heard the elevator ding and entered passing the automatic doors, they entered the room where are 7 TV screens of each part of the movie, and started placing the special effects, it passed 3 hours to complete the designs, the music for every place. Now it was Scott's turn.

It passed just some minutes that Scott started placing the effects when the screen started in static, all the screens were in static like when the TV's don't have signal.

Everyone tried to fix this unusual staric but nothing work, they tried again but with the same result. Suddenly, the screen turned black and a turquoise and red eye appeared with the shape of a black ghost, Scott question it saying "Is that. A Pokemon?", he's father didn't know what to answer and just said "Maybe it is, but why he's on the screens".

Suddenly, words were speaking out of what they think was a Pokemon saying "I'm the Pokemon called Darkrai, and i come here to warned all of Jubilife city civilians, that you are all in danger of something more stronger than you think, it might come even if you don't expected, you need to protect yourself from this cause is coming to this city and could destroy everything, is coming fast, and you need to move, now".

Everyone stayed shocked, no one move a muscle, then Charles appeared in the door running and said desperatly "Guys, that message appeared in all TV's of all Sinnho region, my other workers of others cities told me this information, people might think is a joke, but other people will believe it and act because of this, we had to make think that is fake to not cause any real disaster". "But what if is real, we can't block the truth, we have to prepare them!" Scott answered to Charles while everyone else looked at him like he was crazy, Charles just answered "There's nothing truth about that, got it" with he turn around and left the room. Then the screen became normal again from the place Scott was working on.

Dave turned the TV on and the News Reporters where talking about the message of Darkrai, but keep saying it was a lie, probably to calm the people down. But Scott didn't liked that tecnic and said to his dad "Dad, they can't block the truth from them, they have to be ready for this, is no joke".

His dad looked at him and then to Gible who seem to agree with him starting to question and said "You are probably right, but how you can tell one thousand people that some danger will come to the city and destroy everything".

Scott keep in a deep thought, and said "We find the pokemon who said the message to explain everything better to the civilians", he's dad seem to understand while the workers were exiting the room and he said "i don't think it would be easy find him".

Suddenly, Scott got an idea "For  his look, looks to appeared only in the night, maybe will find him somewhere the city in the night", "Is not a good idea Scott, what if is a trick made by hackers" "Dad, please, trust me," finally, Dave sigh acepted his theory and said "okay, tonight we will look for him in the city".

Gible let a battle cry like saying he was ready,with that, the three of them exit the room and out of the station because Charles told the workers to go home.

While walking with Gible and his dad to the appartment, he notice that the kids of the trainers school were exiting and saw his friend Patrick, with blond hair, brown eyes, and wore a green T-Shirt, with blue long pants with red and white snickers. Patrick was his best friend since babies but didn't see each other through the day because Scott didn't wanted to be a Pokemon trainer (even if he teaches and practices Gible's moves).

Patrick saw him and ran towards him and said "Hey Scott, did you see that Pokemon message" Scott answered "yes" while explaining him about what happened in the screen room and everything.

Scott didn't notice till now Patrick's pokemon who was a Riolu, Gible and Riolu like Scott and Patrick were best friends and started greeting each other. Then Scott asked Patrick "hey, my dad and i will be looking for the pokemon that made the message tonight, wanna come".

Patrick seem in deep thought then said calmnly "yeah, of course, Riolu and i will be waiting for you".


Hi again, so what do you think about the first chapter, their will be 2016 Watty Awards so i will totally use your help, don't forget to:

VOTE!, COMMENT!, everything you want, bye! :)

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