Chapter 5: The Test of Emotion

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Scott's POV

"Wait, What! you can't be his mother, he told me he was the only one that was left of his family!" I said nervously, "He didn't tell you because he thinks i'm dead" she answered and continued "there's was one day in Celestic town, you were just a baby when it happened, Team Galactic sabotage the town for information, destroyed houses, burn them, and forced us the people even the kids to tell about Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina for their bad intentions, i handed you to your that and hided you with your father in an underground tunnel towards Jubilife city.

Just after doing that, the Team Galactic broke the door and checked everything push everything but fortunately, they didn't found the tunnel, after the Team Galactic left, they left behind a burned town with injured people and kids just for information. Your father probably got to Jubilife city and decided to stay there until he could get a respond from me, unfortunately, after all this years, we needed to maintain in secret from the region and make them think we were destroyed completetly to evade another attack.

"O-kay, i kind of understand, one more question, how did dad got Gible?" "6 years later after i send your father with you, i found Gible's egg in my door, in that time i had been already friends with Darkrai so i told Darkrai to send the egg to Dave's house just to know where he was, Darkrai found him and delivered to his door."

"Okay, this is a lot to take in, i'm going to sleep" i said as i walk upstairs with Gible at my heels and throw myself against the hammock and closed my eyes questioning in my head, why he didn't tell me, why he didn't tell me what happened, i just looked at Gible who was at my side, closed my eyes, and before i knew it, i was asleep.

Mavis POV

Scott looked like if everything that they told him was a lie, he just got upstairs to sleep, Lucy and Darkrai looked concern about hin that maybe it was too much to take, she looked at me and Roselia and force a smile "Why don't you go to sleep too, tommorow we will start to go to Lake Verity" i smiled at her and did what she told me. When i got to my hammok, Scott was already sleep so i just tried to caught the sleep too.


I got waked up by the sound of the wind against the window, i looked at Scott's hammok to see if he was waken up too but only saw Gible snoring. I got off my hammok slowly to try and not wake up Roselia, i walk downstairs and saw Darkrai and Lucy sleeping, i opened the door that lead outside, i look around to look for him but didn't find him anywhere, i look at front of the sanctuary and i notice a person reclined in the plain grass.

Scott. I walk beside him and look down to him as he looked at me too and i broke the silence "Hi" "Hi" he responded, "Are you handle in it good" (i sit down beside him) "Yeah, i'm just confuse why he didn't told me, it wasn't that hard, he better give an explanation when i see him" "Maybe just wanted to protect you, he's been in rough time and you know. Anyway, don't worry about that, we have to concentrate tommorow, about how we are gonna pass the test."

There was silent for a few minutes when Scott broke the silence "Hey!, look at the constelation (he puts into a sitting position) is the Pachirisu!" "Yeah! and look, is the Bidoof!"

There was another pause of complete silence, only some eyes could be seen from here, "Hey, thanks for cheering me up, it means a lot" said Scott "No problem, that's what friends are for" suddenly we looked direct at our eyes, we slowly approach our lips together, then the lights of Lucy's house turn on tgen Lucy appeared at the door saying "Hey!, what are you two doing there" suddenly we stopped and i answered "Nothing, just that Scott couldn't sleep, we will go there now."

Between Time and Space (A Pokemon Fanfiction), (PKMN Watty Awards 2016)Where stories live. Discover now