Chapter 8: The Crack

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Art Credit: Google images

Scott's POV

After rescuing the kid we ran through the city looking for any people that were still trapped in buildings or chunks of it, dodging Dialga and Palkia from stomping or hitting us. "Let's split up!" Lucy said. Lucy and Darkrai went to the left side of the city where they had the long distance communications signals, Patrick and me went to where Dad and I worked and check any person that could be outside, and Mavis went with the trio to all the apartments and the Pokemon Center while the Unowns distract Dialga and Palkia attacking them.

We were going towards the TV Station passing the fountain with the two gigantic Pokemon around, where we were going a chunk of the building going towards us, we rapidly reacted and said "Riolu use Thunder Punch!" "Gabite use Dragon Claw!" The chunk of the building broke into pieces hitting Dialga and Palkia making them angrier, they moved their feet and almost stomped on us.

We ran and ran like there was no tomorrow until we got to the TV station, we entered and there wasn't anyone on the first floor, we went to the second floor where the TV screens room was, and there they were, all the people that worked, including Dad. "We have to get out of here! Come on!" I yelled, but no one even move a muscle, so i didn't had a choice but to say "Dad use Abra to use teleport to these people to the entrance of city" "Son, but it couldn't work, even now that Abra is a Kadabra now it couldn't send people there, he doesn't know the entrance and with everything that's going on I don't it could work!"

After that there was a rumble after another, then the roof broke off by Palkia's or Dalga's tail, I couldn't recognize so much. I stare at every one and yelled "He does and it will work! Now do it before someone get killed!"

Mavis POV

We entered apartment to apartment looking for people, and with the help of the trio it was more easy to track, we went to Scott's apartment with parts on fire making it hard to search so we vaporized any near us. We found some an old couple playing cards in their room on a table with an old looking Quagsire who didn't wonder or even care what was happening. "Hey you have to get out of here!" I yelled but they just said "Oh forget it, the three of us are already old so we are gonna soon so it doesn't matter if we die here."

Before I could say anything, a really really big chunk of wood was falling towards them, and fast. I ran towards them when a barrier appeared out of nowhere making bounce to secure floor, finally they disappeared teleported by Uxie who said "Don't worry, I will check them out and will stay there to move any other people or Pokemon you teleport" I nodded and teleported to the entrance. We continued walking through the uneasy floor with Roselia in my purse, I stepped forward on a corner and the piece of wood broke making me started to fall, i grabbed a part of the floor but it broke making me fall in a 10f feet down,  thrower my purse landing on the floor we were where Roselia before fall down start yelling.

Rosella got out of my purse and wrapped her vines around me stopping me from falling down "Thanks.....Roselia" I said between gasps from the unexpected fall, suddenly Mesprit and Azelf rapidly showed up concerned saying "Are you okay?!" "Yeah I'm fine, Thanks," Roselia lifted me up to the floor and continued walking. We checked all the apartment and no one was there so we went to the apartment where my parents and me live, well lived, because it was already wrecked apart but with some balance.

We found some people attached to the walls shocked from everything and became relieved as they noticed that we were gonna help them and were teleported to the entrance, we checked the rooms and in one of them was like 100 Swinub with Pilowswines and surprisingly the floor didn't broke. The good news we found them before the floor collapsed, the bad news? An stampede of Swinub and Pilowswine going straight at us. We barely dodge it and all of them went near the road outside the city so they were secured.

Between Time and Space (A Pokemon Fanfiction), (PKMN Watty Awards 2016)Where stories live. Discover now