Chapter 1:The new me

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I was running I couldn't stop I couldn't get caught by him again. I will not return to that hell. I have to find my dad he can help me he can protect me i know he can. "you can run but can't hide little girl you will be mine"! Orochimaru yelled. I ran even faster ‘no no no’ i thought. But then I collapsed from chakra loss and exhaustion ‘is this the end I guess I'll never see my daddy again or my family again i never even got to meet uncle sasuke’ i thought to myself  as everything went black.
. I was on my way to the sand village from an mission at the cloud village to deliver some important documents to the raikage. When i seen something in the sand it looked like a person. i got closer to see what it was and to my surprise it was a little girl around 5 or 6. i was looking around to see if anyone was nearby but i didn't since anything. Maybe she was a runner and she ran away from home. Should i take her or leave her here to die. i thought for a minute ‘she is so young but what can i do for a kid’ i thought i sighed as i made my decision. I might as well leave her she'll die on her own i barely since her chakra anyway. everyone's destined to die at some point right well i guess it was just her time anyway ‘i’m sorry kid but i can’t help you’ i thought as i kept going i will act like this never happened.
           #GHOSTINA P.O.V.#
I woke up to see i was in the sand i was covered in sand and my clothes were dirty. I was confused for a minute until i remembered orochimaru i stood up to see if i felt his chakra nearby but i didn’t. I calmed down a little but was still on my guard. I have to get away he can't find me not until i find father. but how am i suppose to hide from him he can be anywhere he can have spies anywhere he is to powerful for me defeat. there was something dad told me to do if i had to hide from someone but i can't remember he told me only in an emergency though what was it... oh yeah he said change my appearance hide who i am until i am found or until i find them. i guess i have to if i want to stay safe enough to find my dad and maybe i will run into my uncle sasuke i have never met him but dad told me about him he told me alot but when i ask about grandma and grandpa he says their in a better place now. Anyway i have to disguise myself as a boy i mean it makes since he wouldn’t look for a boy if i’m a girl so it is logical enough. i take out a kunai and cut my hair into a boy hairstyle (like the picture) i pulled an outfit out of my backpack that i had with a pair of boy clothes in it i was sad remembering these where dads when he was younger and i took them from him. i sighed i guess that's it. so next thing to do is find the closest village and stay there till further notice. i started walking after at least two hours of walking i ended up at a very sandy village which i guess was the sand village because of all the sand. i start to walk when a guard stops me "stop who are you and where are your parents and what do you want here in our village" the guard. i start remembering and start to cry from remembering everything. "i-i was kidnapped b-b-by -o-orochimaru and i-i e-escaped and h-hiding h-he k-killed my p-parents so s-so i don't have no w-were to go" i said crying i know i lied a little but i had to daddy said no one can know who my daddy is to keep me safe. the guard looked shocked then he sighed. "come i'll show you to the kazekage" he said i nodded and followed him. as we walked i looked around it's very plain colored houses around here. after a while we walked into a building and stopped in front of the door. the guard knocked then there was a voice on the other side of the door. "come in" he said. we walked in "lord kazekage this girl came and she said orochimaru kidnapped her and killed her parents then she escaped and is in hiding from him"the guard explain my story. i was just looking at the ground "thank you your dismissed" the kazekage said. then the guard disappeared. "have a seat child" the kazekage said kindly. i nodded the sat in the chair in front of his desk and looked up at him. i noticed that he had red hair and brown eyes he looked mean but i can tell he is very nice. "so your hiding from orochimaru" he said. i nodded "daddwy tolds me to come to the nearest village and donw't look back" i said letting a tear slid down my face for more effect. "awww i'm so sorry so what's your name little one" he said. "um it's ghostin-i mean ghost" i said few almost said my real name. "okay ghost since we don't have any free houses you will stay with me right now" he said. "okay thank you mr.kozekawe" i said smiling at least some still cares for me. "no problem i'll have my kids show you the house....baki" the kazekage said. then a man with some red stuff on his face showed up"yes lord kazekage" the man i guess is baki said. "tell the kids to come to my office" kazekage said. "yes sir" baki said then disappears like magic. "hey while we wait would you like some cookies" kazekage said. "yay cookies" i said i love cookies. he laughed at me and handed me a big jar of cookies. i sat in the chair and a some of the cookies. then the door opened and three kids came in. "yes father" they said. one of them was a girl with a big fan on her back and four ponytails she looked kinda intimidating like she had a short temper and she is also good at air style and also a long distance fighter. Then one boy had a black jumpsuit on and the hood made him look like a kitty he looked like the idiot of the three i guess he is a puppeteer from the thing on his back i’m sure it’s a puppet. and the last boy he was hot with the capital HOT do you hear me he had amazing red hair  that look so soft i wanted to touch it, and his eyes were beautiful a pretty seafoam color that i could stare at for hours. But they also help pain and sadness he must have been threw alot of stuff i feel bad maybe i can be his friend. I also can see he is a sand user from the huge gourd on his back. "you guys this is ghost he will be staying with us so treat him well got it" kazekage said. "yes father" they said. "and show her to her room you are dismissed" kazekage said. we all left i walked behind. "hey so ghost why did you come to this village" the girl asked. "my father was killed so he told me to go to the nearest village and this was the one that was closes” i said a little sad just talking about him makes me miss him. “I’m sorry i shouldn’t have asked such a question” she said. I looked up at her and smiled “don’t worry it was going to be asked soon anyway” i said. She nodded. “So ghost how about tomorrow i show u around the village we can do dude things” cat ears said. “Um… i will think about it um” i said not knowing his name. “Oh we never told you out names i’m sorry this is i’m temari this cat ears here is kankuro and the redhead is gaara” she said. I nodded so gaara i like that name it’s cute. “So kankuro he won’t be hanging out with you he will be with me i have somethings to discuss with our new friend” she said while smirking at me. Weird “okay but i get him the next day” he said. I nodded. We arrived at the house and they showed me to a room it was black and red and white. It reminds me of my dad black was his favorite color and red and white represents the uchiha symbol. “Do you like it we can always give you another” temari said. I shook my head “no this is perfect” i said she nodded. “I will send you some blankets and pillows” temari said and walked away. I walked in and sat my jar of cookies on my dresser and sat on my bed when i knock on the door came. “Come in” i said as the door opened revealing gaara. “H-here i bought you the bl-blankets and pillows” he said. Omg his voice is sooooo freaking cute dude. “Thank you” i said as he sat them on the bed. I saw him staring at something and followed his gaze to the jar of cookies he must like cookies. “You want some” i asked. He blushed and nodded. I nodded and gave him 10 cookies. “Thank you” he said. I smiled. “No problem but gaara why don’t we play the day after i hang out with temari to play i can even meet your friends” i said. He looked down sad. “I don’t have any friends” he said. I was shocked. “Why not” i asked. “Because… no one wants to be friends with a monster” he said. I was shocked he is like me a little i will explain later. “You're not a monster to me you're sweet and cute and anyone who says you're a monster is the real monster” i said. He looked at me shocked. “R-really” i smiled “yes matter of fact i will be your friend you won’t be lonely ever again” i said while fist pumping the air. He smiled at me “thank you ghost” he said. “Don’t thank me i want a hug” i said tackling him in a hug. He laughed “would you like to play tomorrow” he asked. I nodded then yawned. “Of course goodnight” i said smiling. He nodded and left out. I sighed then layed back on the bed ‘from here on out this is my new life until i find dad and i made a few friends so it won’t be to bad’ i thought as i drifted off to sleep.


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