Part 4

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"Just say the words!" G pleaded with an unconscious Alex. He had seen a group of men grab Alex and beat him up just outside of the alley. Pap silently floated on Hoverboard beside a dumpster.

G had hid and watched, too afraid to show himself.

G looked down at Alex's blood stained clothes and began to move Alex's lips with his hands.

"I wish to be well again." G said imitating Alex's voice.

"Of course! That's all you had to say, dude." G said and began to pull out all the necessary supplies out of one of the dumpsters. Good thing he got that medical degree a year ago.

After a while, Alex was bandaged and back on his feet. G was happy that this wish paid off.

"What happened?" Alex said.

"You got the slaw beat out of you!" G said with a loud laugh. "Good thing your second wish paid off."

Alex nodded his head and jumped up on top of a dumpster.

G had really started to become friends with Alex, but he knew that as soon as his wishes were out, he would never see Alex again.

"I'm glad you saved my life." Alex said.

"You're welcome. I know who it was too." G replied. Alex gestured that he should go on. "It was some people from SITFEL. I recognized some of the men from earlier. The ring leader was that mean looking man from Carson's office."

Alex's face turned sour after G said that.

"Don't worry. I heard him say 'Now let's go take over SITFEL' as they left." G said. "This could possibly be the reason why they beat you up."

They sat in the ally for the remainder of the night talking about what would happen if the people saw Alex alive and well.
"Well, it looks like Miss Dahlia posted a picture of her and Andrew saying that they are dating." Neville said with an eye roll.

Winston sighed heavily and fell down into his desk chair. He thought that he had beat him up enough to get rid of him for good.

"Well, I didn't believe it at first, but it seems that Andrew has a trick up his sleeve." Winston said.

"What do you mean?" Neville asked curiously.

"I think Andrew, if that even his name, has ran into a little friend of mine by the name of G." Winston said with a sneaky laugh.
"Two thousand likes on our new picture! We're coming up!" Dahlia said excitedly to Andrew.

She had posted a picture of them two and she was ecstatic about her relationship.

Dahlia swiftly moved across her room and sat down beside Andrew on her bed. Pap rested on the comfortable queen size while Hoverboard charged near the door.

Just as Dahlia leaned in to kiss Andrew, her door flew open.

"Look at the lovebirds!" Her dad exclaimed as he walked into the room. "Andrew, I want to put you through thorough training next week."

"Definitely, sir." Andrew said politely.

He's polite too. I can't find anything wrong with him! Dahlia thought to herself.

Right before Carson walked out of the room, Winston barged in the room, dragging a strangely familiar guy with him. Neville quickly trailed behind.

"What's going on?" Andrew abruptly got up from the bed. Dahlia could see that he looked panicked.

"Look who I ran into in a certain alley today." Winston said. He threw the guy to the floor.

"G!" Andrew said kneeling to the floor beside the guy. Dahlia was confused and she guessed the guy's name was G.

"Now I get my three wishes." Winston cackled.

Andrew gave him a glare and yelled, "You can give up on your three wishes!"

"I don't think so Alex. I found some evidence on your little friend. He grants people's wishes illegally. All of those degrees he has are illegal. He took illegal classes. How do you think a guy in his late thirties could get almost all of the degrees when one takes four years? Everything about him is a fraud, and if he doesn't give me my three wishes, I will turn him over to the cops who have been looking for him for over 3 years!" Winston said. He yanked G back on his feet and said, "I wish to become the CEO of SITFEL!"

G gave everyone a look as if he were pleading for them to save him, but in an instant he walked over to a computer in the room and typed something. Next thing Dahlia knew, she could hear footsteps below them and they all rushed out of the room and into Carson's office.
Alex couldn't believe hs eyes, when he saw movers moving furniture out of Carson's office.

Guilt fell over him when he realized that this was all of his fault. Why couldn't he have just kept living his kleptomaniac lifestyle and never put G in this situation? It was obvious that Winston was blackmailing G, and Alex knew he had to do something to stop it.

After Winston wished to become the most powerful businessman in New York City, Alex began to lose hope. This meant that he would have to tell Dahlia the truth.

"Dahlia, I have to tell you something." He said as he pulled her out of the chaotic office.

"I know, Alex. You lied so that you can be with me. You had this extremely intelligent man help you lie and now he is helping Winston tear our family business apart." She replied. Then, she said, "I'm glad that you wanted to do all that, but I liked you better when you were the kind streetrat that saved me before I was sent to jail."

Alex smiled and said, "Now, how are we going to get rid of this crazy man?"
Winston was lounging in his new chair in his new office as he thought of his last wish. When, he had finally come up with something, he heard a knock.

"Come in!" He called.

Then, two policemen came into his office. One said, "Winston Jones?"

Winston nodded his head.

"You are under arrest for hacking into other company's funds and emptying them. You have the right...." One police said his rights as the other cuffed him.

Winston squirmed as he protested that it wasn't him who did it. He couldn't believe that he was getting arrested for this.

The policemen walkd him through the lobby and out the doors as he felt the others watchng him. They shoved him into the policecar where Neville sat.

"I'm too young to go to jail!"Neville yelled as the policemen talked to the Carsons.
"Well, G, I'm glad that you left a trace so that we can get the Winston guy. You need to stay safe and don't use your skills for bad. How about this, I let you off easy as long as you testify against that snake in the car." The policeman bargained with G.

"Does that mean I'm free and I can come out of the shadows?!" G asked excitedly.

"Yes, but as long as-"

G picked the policeman up and spun around.

"Thank you!" G said and began happy dancing on the sidewalk.

"Court will probably be next Monday. Be there." The policeman said.

"You bet I will!" G said.

After the police car rode off, G turned to the others.

"I would never let that rat take over your company. I hope we can start fesh." He said and extended his hand to the Carsons.
Word count: 1260

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