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Shane's POV

I woke up to Nova snuggled against me, I kissed her forehead lightly before slowly moving out from underneath her small death grip. I pulled on a plain white t-shirt and a pair of jeans before closing the door silently to go downstairs. I wandered into the kitchen with an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. I ignored it and made myself some toast. I thought over the past few weeks, the thought plaguing my mind of why I didn't feel Nova's pain from her attack. Her stomach hadn't been feeling any better and she was still having trouble keeping food down. I picked up my plate of toast and began walking to the table when it hit me. My plate fell to the floor shattering into hundreds of pieces while send breadcrumbs across the floor.

"Is she- No- She- No-" I stammered. There was no way. No possible way. I quickly backtracked through my memories, Nova had left the room and was gone for a while, I didn't feel anything from her and if she was in danger or in pain, I would have because I marked her in the hospital. After leaving the hospital she had been having issues eating, her sense of smell was even more heightened, and she seemed much more agitated than usual. I spun on my heel, determined to march straight back to the room and demand what the hell was going on. I took three steps out of the kitchen before it hit me.


His scent stung my nostrils as I sent out the message through the mindlink. I tensed, fighting my wolf for control. If I shifted now, it wouldn't help anyone. I stuck my nose in the air like any other animal would as I searched for where the scent was coming from. Fear shot through my body and I started sprinting up the stairs. No. My mind went fuzzy as I ran to my room and threw the door open expecting the worst.

Nova lay in the bed, exactly how I had left her, her small body hidden in the mountains of blankets that surrounded her. Mitchell stood on the other side of the bed staring down at her. I held back the growl that was forming in my throat as to not wake Nova. Mitchell looked up at me, a sickening smile curling on his lips. He placed one finger to his mouth, a silent reminder.

Every hair on my body stood straight up as I watched him. He leaned down to her, kissing the top of her head before looking up at me. She whimpered in her sleep and rolled over, a frown taking place on her perfect face. Mitchell walked past me out of the room without a second glance. I followed after him after locking the door to Nova's room, ensuring that no one else would be able to get in, and so that she wouldn't run out into a fight, which I knew was inevitable. I found Mitchell standing in the foyer at the bottom of the stairs. I felt my canines elongate, my wolf just beneath the surface, struggling to break free, battling for control. I kept the appearance of being calm and in control when I was far from it. As I stepped down to the ground I was grabbed from behind. My wolf exploded, the shift overtaking me. Through the pain of the shift I felt a sharp stabbing pain, different from anything related to the shift. It stopped instantly and I fell to the ground in a heap.

"You need to pay better attention to your surroundings my friend." Mitchell sneered as he walked toward me. I felt my limbs slowly numbing as my mind started to fog. I tried to move, but found that I couldn't. I tried to talk, but I couldn't move my jaw. "Wonderful herb wolfsbane." He continued. "Put some of it in the right hands and you can do just about anything." My heart started to race before it suddenly slowed. I sucked in ragged breaths, trying to control myself. I struggled with trying to move away from Mitchell, but didn't move at all. He smiled evilly before looking up the stairs. My stomach dropped as I heard the splintering of wood followed Nova's screams as echoed through the house. I felt as if my world was crashing down around me. I had promised to keep her safe, but failed miserably. I looked up the stairs to a sight that I wish I could erase from my memory. Two of Mitchell's men each had one of her arms and she was kicking and screaming, fighting to get away. I wanted to shout, but the words caught in my throat. I searched for my wolf but couldn't find him. It was almost as if he had disappeared, and that terrified me.

"SHANE!" Nova shouted, dropping to her knees as they released her at the bottom of the stairs. Her hands were on me instantly, searching for wounds of any kind. I looked up at her, the fear shining in her eyes spread through her body and showed on her face and in the way her hands were shaking violently. "Shane, Shane talk to me." She begged, tears streaming down her delicate face. I willed myself to, though my body didn't cooperate. Mitchell began to laugh, quietly at first until the foyer was filled with the sound. It made my blood boil.

"My dear, let me tell you a story about my brother." He started. Nova looked between us in confusion, and I don't blame her. I looked away as he continued, kicking myself for not telling her myself. Mitchell explained his story, leaving out key parts. I searched for my wolf, determined to stop him before he could cause any more damage. I closed my eyes, calling out in my mind for my wolf, but I couldn't find him.

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