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"BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!" I can't believe those dickheads just left me at a hospital all alone, without a jacket, shoes, a way to call home, or money. On the bright side though I got to watch Aimee deck asshole in the face. 'Nice one Aim.' For once, my sub-conches and I agree. He so totally deserved that. I slowly walk in and up to the desk while holding my limp arm.

"Hello dear. What can I do for you." She gives me a sad smile, I assume she saw my tears.

"I was kidnapped, and so was my friend. They locked us up, and one of the two guys broke my arm. It really hurts and they still have my friend." Her once soft expression becomes filled with worry and panic.

"Oh my goodness, here sit down you poor dear." I sit in a big comfy chair behind the desk and soon nurses are asking questions. So the desk lady, whose name is Lindy, explains everything.

"Darling?" I hear a deep voice ask me. "Can you tell me what your name is and where your from." I nod and give him a reassuming smile.

"My name is Destiny. I live in Baker's Ville, New York." His eyes widen. "Where are we?" Another nurse answers.

"Destiny, we're about 3 to 4 hours away from Baker's Ville." I nod and just stare at the ground. I just wish my parents and Aimee were here. After a minute the nurse comes back over. "Destiny, why don't you come with me and we'll fix your arm up." She smiles and is very sweet. I assume they are just doing this so I feel safe and more comfortable, but in all honesty I'm 15 not 2. Being kidnapped and having my arm broken isn't bothering me, it's not being able to have Aimee and my parent's here with, that's my problem. 'You know you could have stopped this from happening, just if you hadn't been so nosey. Then Aimee would be staying the night at your house and you would both still be with your parents.' My sub-conches really does seem to have a habit in making me feel like total shit.

After a few hours of waiting and playing card games or watching movies with some of the nurses, Lindy say my parents will be here in about half an hour.

"Thanks so much Lindy. You're my life saver. If it weren't for you and everyone else. I would be stuck without my family." I give everyone a hug. Unfortunetly though now I have to go answer some questions for a police officer. They ask me question, after question, after question and trust me it's bored but they were pretty nice. In fact they bought me some McDonalds for the last couple of minutes while I wait for my parents and most likely my older brother. Eventually I see my frantic mother walk in, followed by my worried father, and then my over protective brother.

"Destiny." The police officer says. "I just want you to know. We won't stop looking for Aimee. I promise." I give him a big hug.

"Thank you so much." My family and I pile in the car and drive off, after a moment or two the steady vibration of the car sends me to sleep.

Okay so HEY!! It's Alexis. I write Destiny's POV and I really wanted to know what you guys think of her. Also I hope I'm not the only one who notices some romances sparking up. ;) Comment who you think will end up together, also vote, and tell your friends!! Love you guys!! Welp laters babes!!! <3 <3 <3 (Also the lovely Destiny is on the side ---------------->)

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