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Destiny's POV

Aimee and I were walking home in the cold dark after going out for some much needed girl time. As we walked you could hear our laughter echo through the silent streets. Our small town was more like a ghost town at night. It creeped the hell out of me.

"Aimee?" I looked at her with a serious face, I need to be serious for this conversation.

"Yeah?" I swallow hard, and stare straight ahead. I instantly drop the conversation.

"Oh. My. God." Standing infront of us are two shadows, but you can tell there is something bad about them because they turn into a dark alleyway. I make sure we stay quiet and tip toe over to the alleyway. I peek my head around the corner but I can't see a freaking thing! "Keep quiet." I sneak over to a big dumpster and hide behind it with Aimee.

"What's going on?" Aimee whispers. I shrug and stick my head around the edge. I see one guy shove the other. They start yelling.

"What the fuck is your problem!?" The taller one yells. I jump at the harshness and loudness of his out burst.

"You know what my problem is, you stupid dick." I grab Aimee's hand so we can run if need be. "Now, I won't tell you again. Leave my family alone. Or I'll rip you apart, god damn dog." The taller one threatens. I'm getting scared so I go to leave but I hit something but thankfully make barely any noise. "I think we're being watched." He sneers, they both look over to where we are. I stand up and run as fast as I can while basically dragging Aimee along.

While running I hear the water from puddles splashing behind us. I look behind and the shorter one is right on our tail, when I look back around the taller one is chest to chest with me.

"Aimee, when I let go of your hand. RUN." I whisper in her ear. I let go of her hand and turn around to run but long musclar hands wrap themselves around my waist and pick me up. While being swung around like a rag doll I'm screaming, kicking, scratching, and hitting with all my might. "Aimee run!!!!" I feel myself being thrown over his shoulder and he starts walking. I punch his back
as hard as my tiny body can mange. Slowing I get light headed and dark takes me over. I'm going to die.

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