Time-Bomb ^14^

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This chapter is dedicated to mah best friend @lavenderiero for being awesome

Also, go check out their book 'Phobia' it's hella awesome

Carry on

Elliott's POV;

It's been about a week since all of that happened, and I was starting to get back on my feet, even though Zack asked me to take at least 2 weeks. I just couldn't. I felt useless. There's been 5 other concerts since then, and Adam had to run them alone. 

I forced myself out of my bunk, and grabbed some clean clothes. My limbs ached with every movement I made, and my head pounded, but I ignored it, walking to the bathroom.

I wasn't listening when the doctor explained what happened, but he said I would probably feel a lot of pain and discomfort for a little while. 

The bus was empty except for me and the driver, who was taking a nap while the guys performed. I locked the bathroom door behind me anyway, and looked in the mirror. 

My neck was bruised very badly. 

I brought my fingers up to the marks that my mother left behind, tracing them. I flinched as pain shot through my body, and I put my hand back down to my side. 

Why did she come after me? How did she know where I was? There were so many questions I wanted answers to, but I knew that I would probably never get them.

I pulled the fresh clothes on carefully, before exiting the bus.

 Adam had convinced me to come to the show tonight, he didn't say why, but I feel as though the guys are up to something.  

I didn't grab my camera bag, mostly because the show was nearly over by the sounds of it. I showed security my pass, and they let me through. 

The screams of fans, and the loud music echoed throughout the building. I followed that through the halls until I found the backstage entrance. Going through, I spot some crew members and Matt, watching the guys perform.

I went and stood next to Matt, and he smiled down at me slightly. We watched them in silence, until Zack noticed me, and smiled. I smiled back.

Suddenly, he tripped, planting his face into the floor. 

I waited for him to get up, but he didn't move. Fear suddenly filled my gut, and jogged onto the stage, not a single thought crossing my mind about the audience.

I kneeled next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder and using all the strength I could muster with my arms hurting, turned him over. He stared at me, a small smile on his face.

I was about to smack him for scaring me when I noticed a piece of paper in his hand.

The messy, cursive handwriting said 'Will you be my girlfriend?'

Any of the anger I had melted away instantly, and I kneeled there for a few moments before nodding slowly. Nobody has ever asked me that before.

His smile grew, and he sat up, entangling his fingers in my hair. He closed the distance between our lips, pressing his against mine softly. 

I was startled by a whole lot of 'Aww's,' and it hit me right then that we were still on stage. My face had to be glowing red. 

I quickly got up, and rushed off stage, straight into the laughing crew members, and Pierce The Veil guys. "Oh hush.." 

I turned around to face Zack, and he was standing this time, back at his microphone. He sent a wink my way, and I felt my face flush brighter. 

This is really happening, isn't it?

Am I really ready for this?


Sorry the chapter is so short, but I hope you enjoyed anyway!




Once In A Lifetime • Zack MerrickWhere stories live. Discover now