The Legend

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Monsters And Humans

"There used to be peace between us and them," He would say. "But now...monsters and humans were at war, and humans won."

"But why?" I would ask all the time.

He would just smile and repeat, "I'm not sure."

"Can I hear the story of monsters and humans?" I always asked this question to him, because he was the only one who would truly tell me.


"Once upon years ago, there lived a time of peace between the humans and monsters.

But one day, the humans and monsters broke out in war.

The humans won and sealed off the monsters from the surface."

He would always tell me this, and I would still enjoy the story, even though it was the same all the time.

I never knew why the war happened, but all he would say is, "It's not us. It was them who began this all..."


You guys were now told the story of the legend :3 I hope you guys liked it!!

You guys will later understand why I called this, "working on something special". ;3

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