I'll Come Back...

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>:I This book is almost over. I'm sorry ._. But the ending will be worth it, but it'll hurt to write and hurt you guys, the readers ;~;

My gosh, I'm tired. Just a few more chapters before this book is over. ^^

Take some fan art! :3

Your P.O.V.

(Listen to this as you feel sad, I was listening to it while I was writing it and I was sad cuz of the feels T^T)

"I love you Y/N."

That was what I first heard when I was conscious.

"I love you too Sans."

Wait, but, I'm not conscious...I didn't say that! I swear I did not! But, why does that sound like I'm saying it?

All of a sudden, this weird dream or whatever it was slowly wavered into something white. Literally, everything turned into the purest of white. Like the freshest snow when it was snowing white.

"H-Huh? Where am I now?..." I said, and I turned around as I could feel my soft and long/short/your hair type's (h/c) hair slowly swish around my shoulders.

"Y/N L/N." I could hear someone say, and finally I could see two people.

Are those...Frisk and Chara???

"Yes, it's us Y/N." I could hear a faint voice of Frisk say as the owner of the voice and themselves get closer to me.

"Why am I here...?" I asked a little quietly since I didn't know what to say exactly since I was well, in some, er-, place that I still don't remember exactly.

"Heh, times almost up. You spent three days with them all already, you have four more days before it's time for your turn to be over little Y/N." Chara replied, as I pulled up my hood over my head.

I forgot that this was just a game and I wasn't mean to be here...

"...oh, yeah...I forgot all about it ever since I last saw you both." I said, as I put my hands into my soft black hoodie's pockets.

"Well, I hope you make the right choices while you have plenty enough of time around here!" Chara said, smiling and crossing their leg over their knee while sitting in thin air.

"Chara, don't be rude to Y/N, we brought her into this mess, and she'll be out soon." Frisk said, with a worried face and a kind smile to me.

Heh, I haven't been given a chance to say whether or not I want to stay... I mean, it's been so much fun being here with the skele-bro's and my parents.

Though, it's especially because of Sans. He may be a jerk there and then, but I know he secretly has a kind side to him. He's funny, or should I say, PUNNY. Heheh, Sans is even protective there and then, and he doesn't open up much but...he was so rude and cruel and didn't talk much, but now he can talk to me without feeling like he has to threaten me or insult me after every line he says.

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