Chapter 30: When Push Comes To Shove

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It had to be midnight when Hannah shook me awake and Susan was getting Leanne out of bed, too.

"What's happening?" I mumbled, sleep still thick on my tongue.

"It's Snape, he's called us down to the Great Hall for something," she said with a hint of panic in her voice.

"I'm tired," I huffed trying desperately to escape back under the quilt.

"Please Davis, everyone else is up!" She was right, even Leanne was now fumbling for her robes in the dark so I reluctantly hauled myself from under the covers and followed her lead.

The school hallways were much colder than usual and my Hogwarts robes did nothing to mask the chill I felt sink into my bones. Others felt it too as we shivered our way to the Great Hall.

Slowly, the Great Hall was flooded with each and every student that attended this school and everyone had the same confused and rather sleepy look etched into their faces. Snape stood at the front where the Professor's table normally was as everyone filled their House tables orderly. He gazed out at us with a calculated stare as the last of the Slytherins sat down.

"I'm sure you are all wondering why I summoned you at this hour of the night," came Snape's icy drawl that only contributed to the cold temperature. "It has come to my attention that Harry Potter has been sighted in Hogsmeade."

A clamor rose up among the students and Hannah grabbed my arm in shock. The once sleepy student body was now awake and wanting to know more about Potter and possibly his friends.

"If anyone has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's whereabouts, I invite them to step forward. . .now," Snape continued sullenly. "If anyone is found to be hiding information about Potter, they will be punished accordingly for hiding the boy."

The malice dripping from his voice ceased all forms of communication between us as we tried to comprehend just what Snape meant by punishment until Harry Potter stepped up from the back end of the Gryffindor table.

"Despite your extreme security protocols, it seems you have an extensive problem in that area," Potter said blatantly. "How dare you stand where he stood.

He, in this confrontation, must have been referring to Dumbledore as suddenly a few Gryffindor members of Dumbledore's Army were rushing to stand by Harry. Only McGonagall seemed the bravest to stand up to Snape. They dueled, fire and shields until Snape blasted a Snape sized hole in a window and jumped out as McGonagall shrieked "COWARD!"

Snape aside, Harry Potter back in Hogwarts, that only meant one thing: trouble was coming. People were now starting to leave their respective tables and check up on friends or siblings in other Houses but McGonagall hushed the dull roar of everyone to a silence and started to direct everyone through an evacuation order.

". . .evacuation will be overseen by Mr. Filch and Madam Pomfrey. Prefects, please keep your Houses orderly!" Professor McGonagall was commanding everyone left and right.

"And what if we want to stay and fight?" Ernie shouted as he stood up from our House table and defiantly stared up at Professor McGonagall.

His remark was met with a smattering of applause throughout the Great Hall.

"If you are of age, you may stay and defend the school if you choose to do so," she replied boldly. "The rest of you will be escorted to the train station to ensure your safe return to your families."

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