Chapter 3

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Hey you awesome person! Yep, I'm talking to you (: So, Wendy's on holiday (still) and she's coming back tomorrow. I had this hunch she would kick my ass if I didn't upload at least two chapters. I mean seriously, it was already written out, but it kind of slipped my mind. Heehee (: So anyway, enjoy reading this chapter (:

Dedicated to my second friend on wattpad! (: Haha, this is great, with Wendy not being around! I can go about dedicating stuff to people without her knowing, cos I don't think she bothers looking at previous chaps (: Heehee :D Oh and btw Ella, yea, it's me, singinginthedark (: (if you ever read this, that is) Hope you like my story (:

That's Jess at the side :D I decided that I'll show the ladies first...


I hated celebrity life. Imagine having your private life under the scrutiny of everyone in this whole, wide world, and what's more, having to change your private life so that it is public-scrutiny-worthy. Talk about great. If you had told me a few days ago that I would be fake dating the biggest douche in the universe, I would have said, "No way in hell," and either given you a free ride to the nearest mental hospital or punched the day-lights out of you. But unfortunately, I had already chosen this path, and that was how I ended up a a restaurant with Drew, Jess and of course, Bryce - to discuss this "great" fake-dating plan.

I didn't even know how the whole afternoon went. I was so mad that I was grinding my teeth the whole time Bryce answered those stupid questions. It wasn't until five that the paparazzi vultures finally let us off to toddle down to their newsrooms and type furiously at their computers, trying to be the first ones to get the news out. I knew that they would love to stay till the next day firing questions at us, but they went easy this time, probably because their oversized mouths and pea-sized brains were overworked and on the overdrive. After that, Drew drove me back to my estate and I changed to another outfit. I was so angry that I didn't know what else to do, if I had calmed down a little, I would probably have bashed Drew's head in and fed his body to the pigeons or something. Okay, so maybe it was a good thing that I wasn't able to think rationally.

Drew was driving me to some random, unheard of restaurant in Los Angeles, in case someone heard our "discussion". Frankly, I would rather have had the worst stalker paparazzi hear that and have this whole ridiculous thing splash on the tabloids the very next day. What had I gotten myself into?

The drive was short, luckily for Drew, because the glare directed at him by me was off the scale of evilness.

I glanced down at myself. Since I wasn't expecting having the paparazzi take some shots of me, and also because I was meeting the biggest jerk on the face of the earth, I was just wearing an Abercrombie and Levi's. I had actually wanted to wear my oldest T-shirts and some really horrible sweats (all part of my "Stay away from me, I'm not Charna Lexington" wardrobe), but Drew gave me one of his glares.

We rounded the corner. Gaudy neon lights flashed from the restaurant, nearly blinding me. "Oh boy," I thought, as we walked in. A young, blond waitress hurried towards us.

"How can I help you?" She asked, fluttering her eyelids, with her voice going down by at least ten pitches. She positioned herself so that she was all-for on Drew, totally ignoring me. I wasn't used to this non-fawning, if that is even a word, but I guess I could do without a bimbo's worship anyway. She tucked her hair behind her ear and glanced hopefully at Drew. Obviously, anyone could hear the double-meaning behind her words.

I snorted. Apparently, this was her idea of flirting. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Come on, her hair was obviously bleached, and her skin was a nasty orange tan. What a loser! Even though I didn't know what Drew's taste in girls were like, I bet he wouldn't have touched her if you gave him a thousand dollars.

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