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I grab my head as a sharp pain strikes it. A vision races in front of my eyes. I gasp as I see a boy getting beat up. A boy with blonde hair and sea green eyes. "What's the matter, Your Majesty?" my second-in-command, Kade, says.

"Nothing," I tell him. What has been happening to me lately? Why do I get sudden pains and visions? I start to wonder if it is the boy who won't leave my mind. Damien Miles.

"Tell me about Damien Miles," I say quietly.

"Well, as you know, he is a half mortal boy but with special powers," Kade says.

"I know that already!" I yell as Kade flinches and knocks over a vase of flowers. He hurriedly picks it up as I scowl in his direction. "I need to know about his whole life, not just the basics."

"We don't know yet what his powers are, but we can tell that his power is a strong one," he explains. "I don't know if anyone told you this but there are more like him, more like us."

"What?" I hiss. "More than just him?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," he says quietly. "But they aren't as powerful as he. Only one is almost as strong as he is."

"How could there be more?" I ask and it gets deadly silent. "I told the others not to fall in love and have children. I told everyone, even the people over in Didian."

I pace around my throne room as Kade watches me.

"We-I can go find out who did this and have them banished or killed and tortured," he suggests, his purple eyes glinting dangerously.

"No," I say. "We should stay right here and watch these children to see if they ever get strong enough to be apart of The Prophecy."

Kade nods. He brings a hand to his stubby chin and says, "What if they aren't apart of the prophecy?"

"Then we don't have to worry," I say, a small smile playing at my face. "Will you please get the files on these children?"

"Sure," Kade says and walks into a different room. Damien's last name sounds familiar but I don't know why. I tuck a piece of my dark, curly hair behind my ear, waiting impatiently for Kade. I run my long finger nail across my vein as I wait for him. Finally he comes back with five manilla folders in his hand. He sets them down on a table and I sit down in a seat.

"Thank you," I murmur looking at the first file. It's of a girl named Ember DeMarr. It doesn't have a lot about her in it, just saying that she lives with relatives because her mother died and she didn't know where her father was. The next one is on Annalise Nadine. In this file, it says her mother disappeared when she was two years old, so she is living with her single father and three younger siblings.

The third file is on Lightning. No last name is known for her. Who would name their daughter 'Lightning'? Must've been a hippie. The fourth file is on Ari Kai. I scan over her file because it is a really long one. And lastly, the one I have been waiting to see: Damien Miles.

I look at his picture and it looks familiar. His blonde hair with dark undertones, his sea green eyes. Why? No, it can't be. I gasp, knowing why he is familiar.

"Kade?" I croak.

"What's the matter, Scarlet?" he asks, concern filling his purple eyes.

"Damien Miles," I say slowly, remembering memories from before I became a Queen. "I think he's my son."

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