oh my god, I haven't updated in like months. I legit forgot the password to my account HAHA I'm so sorry guys. Well, here's your reward:Part 3
(Y/B/F/N = Your Best Friend's Name)
"Bought what?"
"Oh, crap."
[Your POV]
"I- um I- well, you see..." I stuttered. Y/B/F/N couldn't process the situation either, staring blankly at him. I turned to her for a second with wide eyes then back to Nick. He stood there with suspicious eyes glaring at us. "What do you mean: he bought that?" he questioned, scanning our guilty expressions.
"Well, uh- you see, Nick, Y/N wasn't talking about you, she was talking about her brother that uh.... bought her a new phone! Yes, and he's coming right now to give it to her," Y/B/F/N exclaimed to Nick, making it completely obvious she was lying. Nick stepped away from the door way toward the bed I was currently lying in.
"Are you kidding me? I came all the way from New York to Los Angeles for a fake? I actually felt sorry for you, you know? I wanted to make my fans happy, and I was lied to?" Nick shouted, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. He ran his fingers through his brown locks and was breathing heavily.
"Nick, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have faked. I just really wanted to meet you, and now I see you're generous to come meet your fans. I shouldn't have taken that for granted. I'm sorry," I apologized.
Nick looked up from his balled fists and glared into our empty eyes. "I don't have time for this." He spun around and marched toward the exit, avoiding to look at our faces.
"Please, Nick! I'm sorry! It's all my fault, and I shouldn't have done it! Please!" I cried, jumping off the bed to catch up to him, but it was too late. Nick already fled the room, racing toward the elevator. I messed up, I whispered to myself. My heart was aching, my hands were trembling, my mind was accelerating. I can't let him leave after what just happened. Guilt flooded my clenching heart, tears stained my cheek. I could hear Y/B/F/N in the distance, calling my name with my mother. I couldn't stop running, but as i reached the elevator, the doors were sealed shut, and Nick was traveling to the lobby as his ride was right outside the hospital. I fell to my knees, and breathing became difficult. Y/B/F/N caught up to me and was telling me everything is going to be okay. All that escaped my lips were moans and cries. How could I let this happen? I'm a horrible person.. No, no, no, I can't let him leave..Sorry this part was short! Please vote if you liked it, and thank you guys and I love you <33