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You were ready, and i was not.

You always had a fascination about planes.

I could never figure out what is was. The rush you get from take-off?

The thought of actually flying?

Whatever it was i could never figure it out. But what i did know, was that your passion for it was unbelievable. Almost equivalent to your passion for soccer.

Seeing your face light up when you saw an airplane made my day.

The way you talked about them, what you liked about them...just anything about the way you were with planes was enough to make my day.

Thats what i love about you so much.

The way you are always so invested into something, the drive you have to finish things.

Thats what i envy.

I remember our first plane ride together on our way back to portland.

We had just tied with the spirit 0-0, and noone was happy about the outcome. I mean how could you?

Anyway, everyone was really tired and dead. They all looked like zombies. Even you seemed drained. But as soon as we passed Oregon state lines, and the mountains became more noticeable, you sprung up and out of your seat within seconds.

It was amazing actually, ive never seen you move that fast...except for when your chasing a ball down in the midfield, of course.

But they way you were so close to the window, the way i could see your reflection in the glass, i could see the sparkle in your eyes.

You grabbed my hand and tugged to get my attention. Then you moved over alittle and motioned outside and i could see now why you were the way you were.

Flying gives you a new perspective on the way you see things. You see it from a birds-eye view. You can see anything and everything for miles. The beauty the Earth beholds is something you can only truly see from the sky.

The way you can slightly see the Earth curve. The sunsets and sunrises as they climb over the world. It feels like your limitless when flying. Like you have no responsibilites and that your free.

I guess thats why you liked it so much. You hated rules, you hated being restricted to an area. You loved being able to go out of your comfort zone and try new things. To be able to experience the Earth and cultures in all its beauty.

It was a sight to behold when you borded a plane. Your mood went from 0-100 in almost seconds.

That is something i will remember forever.

You often said, "Everythings better when your not grounded to a spot. Everyone needs to spread their wings and fly at somepoint."

And you surely flew. Everywhere we went. And it was magical. But magic never lasts.

Soon the season was starting to wind down, flying became less frequent, and your mood disappaited. You spent more time indoors, kicking a soccer ball around or laying down and watching tv.

The UnthinkableDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora