3 is better than 2

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The past 8 months did not prepare tobin enough for this day.

The night before consisted of contractions far enough apart to alert tobin to pack the hospital bag a week early.

Alex started to feel them in the middle of christmas dinner with Allie and Bati, leading the Heaths to say their goodbyes a few hours early just in case alex actually did go into labor tonight.

Though they both thought it was unlikely because little Heath wasnt suppose to be here for another week, they wanted to double check and make sure everything had gotten packed.

As soon as they got home, alex crashed on the bed while tobin stayed up and put everything alex needed into her overnight bag. As she was finishing up, she climbed in next to alex, dozing off to the sweet 'thumps' of her baby daughter kicking away.

Those didnt last long though, as 4am came around, alex woke up in a pool of wetness. Panicking, she quickly shook tobin awake and screeched out to take her to the hospital.


Hearing those words, alex doesnt think she's seen tobin move that fast ever. She watched as tobin sprinted down stairs to get the car ready as alex followed closely behind.

Making sure alex was secure, tobin hopped into the drivers seat and started the car. Taking a moment she looked over at alex. Sweat pouring down her face, dressed in an old CAL tshirt that was stretching to its limits with tobins portland thorns training shorts on. Tobin thought she looked godly.

"It's actually happening Al." Alex turned and smirked at those words, excited but also scared for the road ahead.

"Yea it is babe, but if you wouldn't mind...id like to get her out of me." Tobin chuckled and pulled out of the driveway, racing to the hospital to meet her newborn child.

With alex screaming on the way, tobin became more and more anxious and was relieved when she pulled up to the front of the hospital. She quickly got alex out and rushed her in, where doctors took her back to a room. Tobin was told to stay im the waiting room while they prep her...which didnt sit well with her. She wanted to be there for alex and comfort her, even though 5 mins later a doctor took her back to the room. She didnt want to leave her side at all.

Tobin could hear alexs screams from down the hall and finally walking into the room she could see why.

Alex was laying on the bed, drenched in sweat more than before and looked like she was about ready to pass out.

Tobin quickly hurried over and took her hand, grabbing a wet wash cloth and rubbing it across alexs face to sooth her.

"Shhh, its gonna be alright babygirl. I promise you everythings gonna be alright. Just gotta get our little peanut out of you and it'll be over." Alex giggled at tobin calling their baby a peanut. She did it often in the beginning and alex thought it was ridiculous but funny also.

"Tobs, can you go call our parents? Just to tell them whats happening." Tobin nodded and took a quick step outside the room and dialed their numbers. She also dialed kelleys, knowing she was staying at Hopes in seattle for the holidays, they could make it down quickly of they wanted to meet their new 'niece'.


"No its hope, tobin everything good?"

Tobin smiled, "everythings good hope, alex is going into labor though and i just wanted to inform you guys first."

She heard hope yell at kelley to get their stuff together on the other end, "holy shit tobs, congrats! We'll be there soon okay!?"

Tobin agreed and said her goodbyes, wanting to get back in to her wife.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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