You're My Angel

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Grief and pain rips through your core. All the memories flash through your mind; all the blood, all the murders. You remember the distinct lack of emotions in your mind. Never feeling in control of your own body. Tears stream down your cheeks, and everything around you seems to fall away.

You're completely consumed by the memories. The pain.

The fear and pain as they take the needle to your arm, filled with a sinister dark blue liquid. Rough hands hold you down, preventing you from moving. Feeling the liquid fill your veins. Feeling like your back is on fire, and the crippling pain of your new wings piercing through the skin on your back.

At first, HYDRA were pleased with the wings, and started making plans for how they could use you.

Then, they decided they needed to do more.

If you thought the pain of growing huge wings was bad, then the pain of turning some of those bones and feathers to metal was unbearable.

HYDRA turned you into a numb, emotionless soldier, with one of the greatest super-powers – jet-black wings, the tops encased in metal feathers.

After your rescue from HYDRA, you had tried on many occasions to remove your wings, a constant reminder of what they made you do. You had taken saws, sheers, and even heavy cinder-blocks to them, hoping to remove them.

Each time they had grown back, each time leaving you unable to sleep due to the pain.

You hear footsteps, coming from somewhere near you. Strong arms pull you into a well-muscled chest.

"Y/N, Y/N, can you hear me?", asks a worried Bucky. You thrash against him, the memories of pain making you crazy.

"Get rid of them!" you scream, Bucky's face slowly coming into focus.

"What, doll? What's wrong?" he whispers, trying to calm you. Bucky's warm hand touches your cheek, wiping away your tears.

"Them!", you whimper, gesturing to your jet-black wings. The world around you gradually fades back into view.

"They've ruined me. Forever". Bucky sighs, and kisses the top of your head.

"They changed me. Made me into a killing machine", you continue.

"No", Bucky whispers.

"They didn't ruin you, love. They tried to make themselves a soldier, but they didn't", he soothes.

"They made you into my angel"


Hope you enjoy this one! Never shared my writing with the world, so please tell me if you liked it, and anything you want to read!


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