You're not going to be alone Part 1

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It all happened so fast that you barely knew what was happening. One second, you were driving the big, black Jeep along the road, and the next, the car was on its side, and something had your right arm trapped. The pain was intense, and you already knew that your arm would be broken in multiple places. Blood drips from a cut on your forehead, and your breath comes out in wheezes. In the distance, you can hear sirens, and you can see flashing lights.


"Severe damage to right appendage; suspected breaks in 6 places; elbow joints smashed"

"Suspected pneumothorax* to the left side"

"Looks like more damage to the shoulder as well, Doctor". You can hear voices around you, but you can't open your eyes yet. The pain on your right shoulder is intense, but you can't seem to make a sound as the bed you're on goes over a bump, painfully jolting your arm.

"These are some serious lacerations - we need to get her in surgery. NOW"

"We have a patient coming out of theatre 3 now, scrub team is just about to go in. It'll be ready in about 10 minutes"

"Tell them they've got 5. She's loosing blood fast". Theatre? Loosing blood? What is going on? Very slowly, you crack your eyes open. At first, all you can see is bright, fluorescent lights. As your senses slowly come back to you, you discover that there's some kind of brace around your neck, and the pain in your arm intensifies. Looking to one side, you find the face of a nurse of some kind looking straight back at you.

"She's conscious", the woman says, looking away from you.

"Hello dear, can you tell me what your name is?" she asks, looking back to you.

"Y/N", you wheeze, unable to fill your lungs with air.

"Okay Y/N, you're at St. James Royal Hospital, you've been in a serious car accident. We've notified your partner - he'll be here very soon. We'll be taking you into theatre very soon to get you all fixed up", she says in the most boring, monotonous tone possible.

Funny, as you lie here on the brink of death, your humour hasn't wavered at all. You close your eyes again, welcoming the darkness. Just before you slip into unconsciousness, you hear a familiar voice shout your name. Bucky.

Bucky shouts your name, but he doesn't think you heard him. Bucky runs up to the closest nurse, and starts interrogating her.

"What happened? Will she be okay? Where did you find her?". The questions come out so quickly and forcefully that the poor nurse is left speechless.

"Well, um Mr. - Mr. Barnes, she, um-", the nurse begins. The doctor cuts in, and places a light hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"Mr. Barnes, I'm afraid that Y/N has some very serious injuries. We're about to take her into theatre, so Janet here will take you to the waiting room. I'll come out to have a little chat with you once we're all finished", the doctor says calmly, gesturing to a rather un-friendly looking nurse. Bucky nods, barely listening to the nurse - Janet - as they wheel the love of his life away from him.

You're not going to be alone, Bucky thinks. Solemnly, he follows the nurse to a nearby waiting room, where he squeezes his large frame into one of the small plastic chairs available.

*pneumothorax is a puncture to the lung, which causes air to leak into the chest cavity, making talking (and obviously breathing!) very difficult.


Hope everyone enjoyed that one! I've been stewing on that one for a while, so make sure to tell me what you think! I'm just about to start writing Part 2, which should be up tomorrow :)

I'm thinking about doing a little 5 or 10 facts about me the author, so let me know if that's what you'd like, and what you want to know!

Love you all <3

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