Staying or going

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We were at the Movie Tavern in Dallas and we were watching ninja turtles and eating popcorn. It was the first time in a few days I felt normal. Almost everyone I loved was there Mom, Sarah, Kay, Sky, Esme even Hippie but all but one person, Dad. Half way home I saw a picture of dad on the dash board and broke down crying and Esme just wraped her arms around me and held me close without saying a word my mom played "Humble and kind". We all sat in the car listening, quiet, sad and even in a way safe from everything that would be thrown at us. Even that big tree flying tward our car. For f***s sake, a tree!? I jumped up and ran full speed at the tree jumping up into it. As I landed I looked around I saw a man in a black hood. I closed the door to the car and ran after him, he turned around and shot an arrow at my chest. Barely moving out of the way I jumped at him, but before I could get to him he kicked me sending me flying, him getting away.

I walked back to the car, "Iv'e got to get a hold of him, I think he had a reason to kill us and if he did then might have a reason to kill dad," I looked over at Sky and smiled sadly, "And if thats so then I need get a hold of him or he will hurt all of us." Everyone was silent, not even a whisper.

"If he wants us then all you have to do is stay near us and he wont be able to get a hold of us first," I looked around to see who was talking, "but youre going to need training, I dont think youre the only one who took that pill and if thats true then that guy has way more experience than you with his powers." To my suprise it was Kay who was saying all of this, the elementary kid was explaining things I diddnt even think about.

"I think we should stop by youre dojo and find the wepons you know how to use and buy you a real one to fight with, like how he had a bow." Now Sarah? Another elemtary kid?

"Hold up, girls I love the ideas and all but how do yall know exactly what to do? I have an ehancement made to my brain to think extreamly fast, yet you guys figured it out first?" I looked at my mom worried.

Kay and Sarah grinned at me "MOVIES!" They high fived and laughed.

I cocked my head and looked at them, "Really girls dont scare me like that," I shook my head. "Alright lets do this and hopfully yall girls are right and he kiled dad so we can put him where he belongs."

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