Usual Day At The Guild... Or So I Thought

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Lucy POV

I was at the guild and I sat down with Happy, who obviously, was eating fish. Natsu and Gray were fighting, as usual. So this is basically how my normal days are.

"Flame brain!" "Ice princess!" "um...god damnit.." "YES I WIN AGAIN!!!!" "No Im just... um, quitting for now.."

At first, Natsu and Gray were very annoying, but I'm used to it now. Okay, maybe I won't ever get used to get hitting in the face with chairs and tables but still.

"Okay brats, listen up. I'm makin an announcement!" Master Makarov came out and yelled to the guild. Everyone quieted down, and the master started to speak again.

"So, in two days, we're going to have a long period training time. Not a year, not 6 months... eh, 4 months. Yeah, 4 months. Of course, you guys can go where ever you want to train. Your time can only have 3 people but 2 is fine. This is not a solo thing, so don't go off on your own doing this. Well, right now its partner picking time, so start!" Makarov yelled. I thought this was a normal day, but that was just unexpected.

Natsu and Happy ran to Guildarts, Juvia and Gray teamed up, and Wendy and Erza ran over to me. "Lucy-San! Lets all team up!" Wendy excitedly said. Erza nodded. "Okay then, of course!" I smiled. This sounds very exciting, but I wonder where we should go?

Soon, everyone left the guild and I was heading to my apartment. I had Plue by me, because Plue is so entertaining and kawaii!! Once I got into my apartment, I found my room and literally jumped into bed. Don't blame me, I was tired.


"I never knew I had a little sister... I just don't remember."

"Of course you wouldn't remember me, dad erased me from everyone that ever even saw me."

"Why would he do that?"

"I posses some important magic... But anyways, go to sleep, so tommorow we can get your friends and go to the Realm of Magic to train!"

"Okay then... night."

{Still the dream/ the next day}

"Wake up! Wake up!"

".....I don't want too..."

"So you don't want to train?"


"Yeah that's what I thought."

"Let me go get Erza and Wendy!"

(Gets Erza and Wendy)

"So where are we going?"

"Follow me!"

"Who are you?"


"What was with that dream?!" I thought when I got up.

"Its called the truth..." A small voice said.


Okay guys it is a bit rushed in the dream but I am tired so night!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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