Mommy and Daughter day

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I look down at her as she sits there watching television. The sound of the TV was all you can hear in the house. Jungkook was a work. "B?" She turns and looks at me. "Yes mommy?" She's grown up so fast! She's seven now and I can't believe how much she's changed. "Do you want to have fun today? Let's go do something." She runs over to turn off the TV. "Yes! Let's do something fun!" She yells. I smile. "Okay then go get dressed and we can go."

She runs over to her room and changes out of her pajamas. I go and fix myself so that I don't look too much like a hobo. "I'm ready!" She says. I turn from the mirror and smile. She's wearing her favorite stripped leggings and a black shirt with her black toms. I'm surprised that she actually has a fashion sense. When I was seven all I wore was my too too and my favorite spider man shirt, yeah. I was a confusing child.

She walks over to me and grabs her little tooth brush and stands up on the stool we bought her. I start to do her hair as she brushes her small teeth. Once she's done she turns towards me still on the stool. "I want to wear that." She says pointing to my lips. I'm wearing my favorite nude matte lipstick. "Okay." I say going to my lip drawer and grab a lip gloss. "No! Lit stick not gloss " smart kid. "Okay okay." I surrender to her and grab the same one I was wearing.

"Its lip stick. Say lip." ,"lip stick." She says it perfectly. I smile. I dab a little on her little pink lips and glide my finger on it. "Okay." I say, she turns towards the mirror. She smiles wide showing her missing teeth. "Wow! I look like mommy!" I pick her up and walk into the room. "So you ready to go now?" I ask setting her on the bed as I pick my shoes. "Yes." She says simply. "Okay let's go." I say walking out of my walk in closet.


"And then Fin said that he doesn't like cake so I yelled at him because Jimin said that if someone hates cake... They are stupid." I almost choke on my frozen yogurt. "Jimin told you that?" I ask. She looks down at her frozen yogurt with no expression. "Mommy. How do you know someone likes you?" I remember the day she asked me something similar to this, she had asked me what love was, on her birthday when she was turning five.

"Well.. Is it because you like someone?" She looks up at me her cheeks red. "Well.. I do. But I don't think he likes me back." I smile. "Its like that sometimes baby. So don't worry. What's his name? Is it Fin?" She bites her bottom lip and smiles. "Ewe not Fin. Jimin." Was it just me or did she just say Jimin? "Oh. There's a boy at school named Jimin?" She laughs. "No Jimin Oppa" my heart stops. I adjust myself in my chair.

"Bella... You know that you can't like him right?" She continues to eat her ice cream. "No I don't like him." I let out a breath of relief. "I love him" it felt like someone punched me in the gut. "Baby.. You can't love Jimin. He's too old, you're just 7 years old you don't know what love is" she looks up. Her little eyebrows knitted into a mad expression. "But I do mom. I do love him." I stare at her. "No Bella. You can't." I say. "Mom! No! I can!" I grab her wrist.

"You never talk back to me you hear me? I will not raise a daughter who is disobedient to her mother." I say feeling all this anger in my chest. Her eyes grow big and watery. She pulls her hand out of my grasp. "I'm sorry mommy" she cries. My chest hurts, I've layed a hand on my daughter. I walk around the table towards her and pull her into a hug. "I'm so sorry baby.. Mommy didn't mean to hurt you" I say feeling a ball of emotion in my throat.

"But... I love him mommy..." My heart pounds, just then I see Jimin. He's also in the food court of the mall. He's with a girl. She's pretty, short hair, looks like she cakes her face but.. I mean. He likes cake right? I can't let her see this. It'll break her little girl heart. I let her go. "Why don't we go shopping? I'll buy what ever you want" she smiles and nods her head. I shoot a look towards Jimins way, I see him touch her hand, he intertwined their fingers.

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