I'm Just As Cool

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Fight! Fight! Fight! All the kids around a girl named Britney and my self are yelling. I throw one last punch and she falls to the ground. All the kids shout and pat me on the back. They also congratulate me.

"You ugly brat!" She snarls as I'm walking away. "Bye, bye." I ignore what she said and head home, skipping the rest of the school day. I run into the bathroom and grab my razor and slice my arm a few times. I start crying. "Yes I'm ugly, yes I'm fat, yes I'm just a piece of trash!" I yell to myself and cut a little more. I throw it in the sink and look at myself in the mirror. "What are you looking at! Ugly thing!" I punch the mirror, but not hard enough to break it.

I run into my room and grab a sweatshirt to cover the cuts. I head outside to get into the car of my boyfriends. "Hey." He smiles and pulls out of my driveway. "Hi." I smile as I reply.

"What happened to your makeup?" He asks.

"Drew!" I sigh. "Nothing happened, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. So how was school?"

"Oh school." I pause.

"Skylar, please tell me!" He begs.

"Fine, don't get mad, but I got into a fight with well, Britney." I finally spill out.

"Skylar, again how many tim-" I cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Never get into fights with popular girls or whatever."

"No that's not what I say. You need to take care of yourself and stop getting into fights." He tells me, he takes my hand and lifts up my sleeve. "Don't do that!" I try pulling my arm away but he has a strong grip. "Why so you do this to yourself Sky." He calls me Sky for short. "It takes me away, it relaxes me." I explain. "Sky, please stop cutting yourself, doing this isn't going to help." He puts my sleeve down and holds my hane as he's driving. I move into the middle seat and rest my head on his lap.

I wake up by him lifting me off his lap. "Skylar." He tickles my side. "Huh, what?" I sit up and kiss him on the cheek. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Well, I was hoping we could go to my house for a while." He smiles. "Yeah sure."

"In the back there is some lunch, you want to grab it?" He points to the back seat. "Yeah, I can do that for Drew!" I climb into the back and look around and see it sitting on the seat. I climb back next to Drew. "Here, we are." I hand him a cheeseburger and fries and I grab my stuff.

"Eat up." He smiles as driving and eating.

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