I must've fallen asleep at some point because when I woke up it was no longer the day of my birthday.
Nothing felt the same. I was one year older yes but that wasn't the main thing.
My room was empty. She wasn't there. April left. She is gone. It all sunk in and I glanced over at the empty bed.
Each wrinkle on the sheets was flattened out making the whole thing flat, plain, boring.
The sun shone through the window but that wasn't enough to take away the darkness, the loneliness. Nothing would. She was the last part of my known family and family is everything. "An important phrase to remember" I hear my mom say. She drilled that phrase into our heads. Good times.
Doctors and nurses came in and out of the room. Some good news lightened the mood. Only slightly. They said I could leave soon. About a week. But to foster care. Great.
I stared out the window hoping my mum would just come and pick me up. Like none of this had happened.
Hope. The four letter word always mentioned in our house especially by her. We hoped we would have food on the table, we hoped that we would all be safe... But she's gone. The one person that had the most hope out of all of us is gone and now it's just two. Me and April.
Hope seems like a stupid thing to believe I'm but in some way I still cling onto it. Maybe to carry on my mothers legacy of hope or maybe I'm just so desperate that hope is the thing that gets me through the day. Hope. Everyday I hope that I'll get out of here and I hope that this is all just a nightmare and I hope that I will wake up and we will all be safe. My mom believed in hope. Maybe she hoped too much but this hopeful spirit we both have will connect me to her some way somehow. All I have left to do now is hope.
(A.N: I'm sorry this was kinda deep but the character is quite deep)
The girl behind the window
Roman pour AdolescentsYou'll have to find out yourself. Let's just say it involves a window.