My Sun Has Set

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I was actually never the one to speak my mind throughout middle school. I often stayed quiet. I never had anything to say. I wasn't too well known around Chesterwood Middle School. I never had any real friends. I had a few, but I wasn't close with them.

With that, I had a bunch of anxieties. This made me cry myself to sleep almost every night.

However, my world finally had a sun. That sun's name was Eric Rossen. That sun helped me get rid of the darkness that grew more and more as the days passed.

Not too long after that, that sun slowly started setting. I could still see it but one day, it set, and I could no longer see it. It was the most beautiful sun ever. And I don't think I'll ever see it again.

Some say "Only time can heal those wounds," but I don't think I have ever felt so much pain. And worse, so much love, for one person.

I lived my life, and time did pass. But my pain just became a roller coaster. While at Chesterwood High, my heart felt heavier than ever before.

Eric went to this other school called MAM meaning Massachusetts After Middle. That is basically a really difficult school. But I heard good things about it. But that isn't what hurt was...Claudia Rydel.

Claudia is an Internet sensation. She is becoming really popular. And she is very talented. Well, talented at singing and hurting me without knowing hurt.

I want to cry everyday. It's hard.

Ian Abersin, Eric's best friend, has been trying to help me. I do want help, but I just wanna turn back time.

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