Author's Note: A lil' message.
So, this right here is just a little message to you all who are going to either start or continue reading this here by story.
Please note that it's still not edited and you shall encounter some harsh murdering of the English language and specially of grammar. It all goes back to when I was of the age of say thirteen or so in a half and I started writing this due to a large lack of boy love stories here on wattpad -- although I first started it on quizilla and then moved on to this beautiful community of dreamers -- and in that time I was just getting a taste of writing. To which I do consider that I sucked majorly. Still do, but to a lesser value. lol (cries internally)
On the other hand, I don't want to start babbling about that, but I just want to point out that you might get some entertainment out of this. An amazing author of this fine establishment participated in one of the chapters in this here story and you might be pleased of knowing who it is if you keep moving forward. Yupp-yupp.
Happy reading!
(Please do ignore in the meantime my initial horridness, believe me, it gets slightly better in the further parts! ♥ )