Chapter 5: Blake

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 There was no turning back now. He would not look upon another foster home again. His eyes flared with the joy. The very first spark of happiness he had since 6 years ago when he had remembered a vague outline of a man that looked like him. My lost father he thought not sure whether to be bitter or sad. That horrific day at St. Algiesa. It was midnight, the same time he had entered the Yintaie forest. Alone once again he set off far away from his quarters and the place that from that moment, he hated with a fiery passion (no pun intended). Cold shudders shook him as the warmth of his soul was carried off into the chilling night. It was a risk to set his hand alight with his life-sapping flames. He had just escaped the stare of a night guard. No child left behind eh?

Blake walked on into the moonlit night. His steps were as light and ginger as a doe's. Blake wasn't actually sure where he was going. He just never wanted to have the cornered, terrified feeling he had that very day.

On Blake went. He passed forests of elegant purple spruce glowing with a lilac light. Blake growled with annoyance. There was never any cover in the bright lights of Liyange not even at the stroke of midnight. He almost preferred the dark, chilling cold of the Scarred forest from so many years ago.

Determination and anger. The two emotions that usually guided him had taken the front seat. Nobody had found out his magic until earlier that very day. He had easily placed blame on the sun. Fire elementals were strengthened by sunlight. The whole day he had felt a blaze inside of him struggling to come out. He remembered a group of people cornering him. He was threatened and fearful. Two emotions that were a power source for magic. He was being circled like the prey of a hawk. As the raptors had swooped to kill he had the same sensation. The glowing irises, the rush of energy, Blake was all too certain of what would come next. A flash of light, a shout, that was all it took. Blake was standing there smoldering.

For a brief moment is magic had nearly taken control. He would be the bird of prey, swooping down its kill. He was in the position to do it too. A tone from the back of the mind was pushing him. He would release the rage and make them cower. The fire inside had taken his heart too.

Blake would have done it. That was the scariest part. Blake would have attacked all that stood in his way. He wouldn't be able to call himself Dracian any more just a cruel, heartless individual. He would be a hungry blaze that destroyed everything in its path. Once living his soul was nearly consumed by the flames burning inside of him.

Fear. They were afraid of him. One look into the eyes of those surrounding him and he knew what he had just done. The darkness in his fire had reached far further than it was confined to. The cost of dark magic was much worse than death. The cost of dark magic was the soul. He couldn't take back what he had just done. They could see his glowing eyes and the purple tinge to his flame. They knew he was a dark elemental. They knew what he was capable of; they had just seen it with their very own eyes.

He knew he couldn't stay. Not with the entire foster home knowing his abilities. So there he was lost and hopeless. He was too tired to take a step further. He rested his head on a stiff, wooden bench. Though there was no fluffy pillow; Blake lost consciousness as he hit the hard seat.

The morning was not a welcome surprise. There was a monsoon pounding down on his now drenched body and bench. He hated water as much as he hated his new ability which was to say a lot. Nearly falling off the bench; Blake ran for shelter. There were not many buildings in the small town of Sola. He was about to run out of breath when he caught sight of a welcoming home. No, not a home. The house was a freaking mansion. The four floors of wooden housing did seem inviting, though. It practically radiated waves of comfort. Without a second thought or raindrop on him, Blake dashed through the doors of the welcoming estate.

Blake didn't feel very welcome. He was standing there sopping wet while a long, black haired women were soothing a shivering girl about the same age as him with blazing hair. The woman who had inky hair similar to his looked annoyed. He couldn't blame her. He certainly hadn't arrived at the right time. She had given herself a smiling mask that Blake could tell was fake. And yet he still had trouble seeing past the false grin.

Blake wasn't quite sure what to do. He had never put "Make Friends" on his list of priorities. It was something that he couldn't find in himself to do after the event with Callum. He had never had the invisible "social" glue that allowed him ease of speech with others. His distrust of strangers ( or anybody) didn't help either.

The black-haired women had spoken first. Her gaze was that of impatience. It was no doubt hidden well but he had been able to read expressions for years. Another skill one picked up when living solo, honed by the many lies he had been told. Her deception was a strong match for his piercing orange gaze. She spoke with little to no sign of irritation but instead said something that surprised Blake more than any stories that he had heard about his parents. She had said, "You can stay if you like". She was actually acting kind to him. She must have not known about his ability. Blake refused to let her know. He had walked over to say something, a word of gratitude maybe when she snapped at him. " You're soaking wet! Go dry yourself on the mat first". Blake was surprised by the the change in tone. To shocked to say anything or even by the least bit ticked of which was another astonishment, Blake walked over to the welcome mat. "Your not the first" the woman said as Blake was wringing his clothes out. " It has been mistaken for an inn by a few tourists. This town is a popular tourist spot". Blake didn't answer. There was no questioning in her voice. "It takes me by surprise that you could afford an inn. The only thing you seem to own is your clothes". Blake felt himself steam over with anger at the comment. This person was infuriating. What made him even more angry was how casually she said it.

"Money is the least of my problems" Blake growled. This spoiled woman didn't know what hardship possibly was. She only cared that her precious pine floors didn't get wet.

"You're a fire elemental aren't you?" Blake grudgingly nodded. " I thought so. Your temper is shorter than you are" Another insult. Blake's small stature was one thing he hated about himself. He had been called scrawny enough that it has lost its strength as an offending comment. The way that the woman said it, that nonchalant voice made it sound like she gave out insulting comments on a regular basis. He struggled to stay calm. He didn't need more people knowing his element assuming that the news wouldn't spread outside of St. Algiesa which it most likely would.

 The woman seemed to sense something stir inside him. A flash of sympathy, almost as if she could relate to him crossed her face. "The bedrooms are on the 4th floor. You can share a room with Katera. Your welcome." 4th floor. Even this woman's house made him angry. How could people like her have so much and he so little. He assumed he was now about to stay the night with her and that girl. As he left the final words the woman said were " I'm Amara by the way. Nice to meet you too."

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