Society's expectations

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Now we're all thinking about how women are not liberated but oppressed into trying to fit in to 'modern male expectations',the subjective discrimination between sexes, the great pressure on looks and modern standards and how our views are collectively drawn upon idiotic statements. Now we all agree that these 'expectations' are egregious and absurd but are we really basing our lifestyle from a religious perspective or are we merely following the ideas of idiots? I mean let's look at Islam today. It is one of the fastest growing religions in the world which I won't deny, but is it really followed correctly? What I'm trying to elucidate here is that society's expectation seems to be the major engender to the poor following of the correct Islam. It seems to be the great facade that seems to be blinding lots and misguiding lots. Islam today isn't shaped by its scripture or religious sayings rather it's based on mere opinions and own wants.
Accepting Islam as a religion means that you submit to Allah subhanahu wata'ala fully. Islam isn't followed subjectively.

I've recently read a paragraph about 'modern standards' and how that is effecting society as a whole from the bottom of the hierarchy to the top. It talked about the example of leather shoes and that men are expected to wear leather shoes and it is deemed odd to find people with lower quality shoes. They're automatically placed in a lower status then the one in leather shoes. That's just an example. But if we take this example and use it, now the societies' beliefs have become the modern standards and anything and everything out of that bubble is deemed strange and is put down. In this society if a woman wears a niqab or burqa she is seen as an oppressed individual, forced by her over-protective husband. This all comes down to knowledge. Unknowledgeable people are always on the negative side of the story. They either don't understand something, choose to ignore it or simply make up lies about it.

Little things like explaining Islam to non-muslims can have a huge impact and with the increase in popularity of social media, It is not surprising that Islam and every other religion is spreading. SubhanAllah, Allah swt allowed us many ways to spread Islam and give dawah in the easiest way possible.

With the lack of intellect, our society has grown to adapt to certain modern standards and to deem everything un-natural extreme and something out of the box.

If only they were to look more further than box, they would find a religion full of Mercy and Compassion. A religion of peace and true submission.

The real question is now, "What have you done for Islam?"

Asalamu 'alaykum warahamatullahi Wabarakatuh,
It has been a while, In Sha Allah I am back for good :)

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