3 Years later

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Honestly my life over these three years has changed in so many levels. I learned that love is really a choice and not a feeling. I will prove this to each and one of you by telling you my story, without an ending.

"Come on Mary we are going to be late!!!" screams by bestfriend, Thalia,from across the room.
Thalia always sleeps over when something life changing is about to happen. For instance, the first day of school. After 45 minutes of debating weather school is worth it or not we arrived. Here comes a new adventure of a life time.
The first bell rings and we all go to class. For my first period I had math. I sat the closest to the board to avoid any distractions. (Always feel inpowered to better yourself.) I looked around to see if I knew anyone and sadly I didn't. I noticed one human being, I called him kid with beard. I made nicknames for everyone to spare sometime.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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