Chapter Two- The Day I met him

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So the day I met him started as any other day.. Me trying to write and get inspired.

I'm a writer didn't you know?.  

I was the first one to message him. The conversation went pretty much like this:


Him: "Hi.."

"I was wondering if you would mind reading my books?."

Him.:"Hmm okay.."

"What do you think?."

Him: I think you write too much.."

"Just because I actually have inspiration and you're far too brainless to see that."

Him: You didn't have to go and get pissed cuz I said you have a lot of books hahaha. I've been to a mental ward for telling the truth to much. If people are gonna be pissed cuz of that I will just have to deal with it. Sorry, but the other side of me. The dark lying side landed me in jail for a day. I prefer the mental ward anyday. So, in conclusion. Telling the truth = me an ass... maybe, but I will deal with it and hope that I may have actually helped somebody with laughing off all the rude stuff you said."

Me: Okay fine telling the truth is good.. But at the end of the day you need to think about other people's feelings.. You can tell the truth just try doing it a bit gentler.

Him: Nothing I do is simple baby girl... now for that, I will apologies. Me and gentle don't get along haha."

Me: Okay..Fine I apologise for calling you brainless.. I hate falling out with people friends?

Him: No disrespect. But 1# you've already tried to hurt me

2# I am perfectly sane. They let me go once they realized I was just smart and not crazy.Thank you though. But no help needed. Well not in that area anyway.

Me: Probably not. And nope. We are still enemies ;) just that much closer to each other my dear.

Ever since that day he always maintained that we are enemies and to be honest the whole being mean to me thing suddenly changed.

I slowly started to realize he was playing with me and it was his way of flirting with me.

And I fell for it..Hook..Line and Sinker.

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