Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

I ran and ran while holding my son's hand we were both in danger. Him more then me. Neal wants him and I wont let him take my son from me. A few weeks ago Neal took Henry away for a few days and he came back bloody. Neal said he fought a kid, but Henry told me the truth Neal hurts him. I have to protect him at all cost, but I cant do it by myself.

"Mom Im tired." Henry says to me.

"I know I will make this better." I say to him.

I just dont know how.

Killian's POV

I sat on my couch after a work on in the gym. I gave up my job about a year ago after what happened.

"Killian, you cant keep living this life." My good friend Robin tells me.

"I failed Robin. I can never go home." I tell him.

"Killian stop acting like this. You just like me are still in this together. No I have to go. Im leaving to protect a woman named Regina I guess she has a crazy mother and sister." He says leaving.

I failed a year ago, but this agency wont let me go.

Emma's POV

I got in contact with an agency that protect woman and children of all ages. I finally go there and talked to the leader.

"Hello Im Emma Swan and this is my 5year old son Henry. We need help." I tell the man.

"Im Graham Hunters. How bad do you need help?" He asks.

"Well my ex has beating me and I never thought he would hurt our boy, but he has. We ran from him, both I fear he will come for us." I tell him.

"Well then I think you need our most reliable agent. Let me go get him." Graham says.

"Mom Im scared." Henry says.

"I know." I say.

Graham later came back in with another guy. This one was tall, wearing all black, he has dark brown hair,and very blue eyes.

"Emma Swan meet Killian Jones." Graham says.

"How do you do love?" Killian questions taking my hand and kissing it.

"Good." I say.

"Killian here is one of the best. He has been out of work for a year, but maybe he will finally take a case." Graham says.

Graham left the room with just me, Henry, and Killian.

"How are you lad?" Killian asks Henry.

"Hiding from my daddy." He tells him.

"How about you go play in that room right there." Killian tells him.

"Okay." He says.

Killian put him in another room and then came back and sat across from me.

"How bad is it?" Killian asks me.

"Very bad. He has hit me before and I dont know why I didnt leave him sooner, but I need the best protection here." I tell him.

"I get that alot the best protection here, but most people have worse problems then you. But Im sorry Swan, but I must decline." He says.

"No please dont." I say.

"A year ago I failed. I dont want to let anyone else down." He says and started walking out.

"Killian Jones please. I need protection for me and my son. You may have failed last time, but please help me and my son. This time you might succeed." I tell him.

"You want me to help you. Even though I failed once before?" He questions.

"How many times have you failed?" I ask.

"Just that one time." He says.

"Then please help me. You can redeem yourself." I tell him.

"Okay I will, but I worn you Swan. If it starts getting to where I cant do it anymore I will pass you and your son to someone else." He says.

"Thank you Killian. What do we do?" I ask.

"First you get your son and then you go back to Graham he will explain it all. Then I will meet you both outside. See you then." He says and walked away.

I know he is now my protecter for my son and myself, but damn was he amazing to look at.

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