Chapter 14

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Killian's POV

I finished painting the room for where my sister will be living. It too an extra week then expected and I hope I wont fail my sister this time as I did last time.

"Okay. Thats everything I need and Im glad you will be taking care of your sister. You do very well. Better then me." My dad says.

"Thanks dad." I say to him.

"Okay Babydoll. Killian will be taking care of you now okay. Now I love you." He says and kisses Avery's head.

"Bye daddy." Avery says.

"You be good now." He says and goes into the car and drives off.

"Come on Munchkin." I say and take Avery's hand.

"Okay Killy." She says.

We walked back to the house and Emma was waiting outside.

"Hey Love." I say to her.

"Hey." She says.

"Mommy, come play with me." Henry asks.

"Not now I need to talk to Killian." Emma says.

She looked very worried and upset.

"Avery why dont you go inside with Henry and Henry if you could please take her to her room so we can talk." I tell them.

"Okay." They say and go inside.

Emma got up and hugged me and started tearing up. I just dont know whats wrong.

"Swan whats the matter?" I ask her.

"Well, I have been talking to everyone and I found something out." She says.

"What did you find out?" I ask.

"That Neal is still alive." She says crying.

"Oh god." I say.

"This isnt over." She says.

"Well we will figure this out." I say.

I hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head. As we sat in silence we heard Henry throwing a fit.

"Lets go." Emma says taking my hand.

"Geeez why is he so mad?" I ask.

We walked in and Henry was on the floor playing with his toys yet he was yelling and Avery was coloring in a coloring book being quiet.

"Henry why are you crying?" Emma asks.

"She... Touched my toy." He whines.

"So." Emma says.

"Shes a girl. She cant play with my toys." He says.

"Okay look. Mommy has alot to deal with right now. I dont need you crying over this. Now just stop it." Emma says.

"Swan hey calm down." I say to her.

She walked upstairs and Henry just looked at me.

"Why is mommy mad?" He asks.

"She had a bad day. I know your used to being the only child here well now Avery is here and you have to be nice. She has been locked away for along time by scary people and she needs a friend. Now play nice." I tell him.

"Okay Killian." He says.

Henry isnt a handful. Avery isnt a handful. But together Henry started acting up. It will take time, but they will get along. This Neal thing though I thought he was dead and I know he will come for Emma and Henry. I know thats why Emma is so stressed out. After the kids went to bed I went upstairs to talk to Emma.

"I know your stressed out about Neal being alive and Im sorry. Just tell me what I can do." I say.

"You lied to me Killian." She says.

"What?" I question.

"Neal is dead. That isnt what people were talking about." She says.

"Swan Im confused." I say.

"Okay since you cant figure out why Im upset I'll tell you. When were you going to tell me that Avery wasnt your sister. When were you planning on telling me shes your daughter?" She asks.

Crap. Im definitely in trouble now and this could ruin everything Emma and I have.

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