Chapter 10

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Killian's POV

I heard from Robin that Emma and Henry were gone. I rushed into Graham's office to talk to him.

"You've done it again Jones, but this time your not losing one your losing two!" Graham yells at me.

"Me! You took them away from me!" I yell.

"She took Henry out of my protection all because you had to do things with her." He says and walks away.

"Killian what have you done?" My brother asks me.

"I fell in love with her Liam. I dont care what Graham says Im going after them." I tell him.

"Killian are you insane? He'll kill you." He tells me.

"Let him try. I love Emma and Henry. They mean alot to me. I shouldnt have let her go. I have to make it right." I tell him.

"Killian, please just think about this." He tells me.

"I made up my mind Im going after them." I say.

I got into the car and I knew where I was going because I gave Emma a locket and the locket contained a tacking device. I also gave Henry a cool watch which also has a tacking device. I found the warehouse where Emma and Henry were being held. I walked into the warehouse and heard voices. I pulled out my gun and proceeded forward. The single from Emma's tracker and Henry's were completely separated. I decided to go after Emma first that way nothing bad can happened to Henry.

"Hey who goes there?" A man yells.

"Wheres the woman your keeping here!" I yell.

"Who..." He says.

I let a few bullets fly and after the man fell I continued to on my way to Emma. I made my way to the door and heard Emma's voice.

"Where's my son!" Emma yells.

"Doesnt matter! Now you shall be punished for leaving Neal with all the secret." The man says.

I kicked open the door and saw Emma all beat up. This man deserves to die.

"Killian." Emma says.

"Hey pal what the fuck is wrong with you." The man asks.

"Your fucked up and you hurt her." I say pulling the gun out.

"Hey man put the gun down." He says.

"Yeah not going to happen." I say and shoot him.

I rushed over to Emma and untied her.

"Oh Killian." She says and hugs me tightly.

"Come on, Love. Lets go get Henry." I tell her.

I take her hand and pull her with me. We got to where Henry was and we heard lost of crying.

"He's hurting him." Emma says crying.

"Stay here out if sight. I'll get him." I tell her.

"Hurry back." She says to me.

I walked into the room and saw this man with a belt in his hand.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man asks.

"His protector." I tell him.

"Im his father." The guys says.

"Oh good so this is long over do." I say and punch him in the face.

I got Henry and took him back to where Emma was.

"Henry." Emma says.

"Mommy." Henry says and hugs her.

"Lets go." I tell them.

"Where to?" Emma asks.

"Back to where you both belong with me." I say.

I drove us back to Storybrooke and I took Emma and Henry to the hospital first. After Dr.Whale took them in and got them checked out.

"Well?" I ask when I see him again.

"Henry is bruised up and banged up a bit. Emma on the other hand has a couple broken ribs and is also very beat up, but they are ready to go." He tells me.

"Thank you." I say to him.

"No problem." He says.

"Killian!" Henry yells and comes and hugs me.

"Hey buddy." I say.

"Wheres mommy?" He asks.

"Just a moment. Hey pal tonight I want you and your mom to stay with me in my room okay." I say to him.

"Okay." He says.

"Killian! Henry!" Emma says and hugs us.

"Lets get you two home." I say kissing Emma's head.

I took them back to the house and carried a sleeping Henry to my bed. Emma followed closely and sat down next to him. I walked up over to her and she took my hands in hers.

"Thank you." Emma says.

"Emma Swan your very welcome and there is something I need to tell you." I tell her.

"And that is?" She asks.

"I love you." I tell her.

"I love you too." She says to me.

I kissed her beautiful lips and then her head. She laid down and I covered them both with the blanket and then laid down on the other side of Henry. Im happy they are back with me again thats where they belong.

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