Chapter 1: Rotten Road-Kill

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One Year Later

This was an absolute disaster.

"I hope you realize that some people actually look like super models after their work shift," a familiar voice nudged. I shook the coffee in my hands, cooling it down.

"And I care because?"

"Because you look like rotting road kill, Estella." My co-worker leaned in closer, and I felt her sudden surges of breath hit my neck, before she quickly retracted. "And you smell like it, too."

I sent her a death glare. "Thanks, Iris! I absolutely need your positive attitude." I gave a small pout. "You're supposed to be my friend."

She shrugged. "Well darling, friends are here for you when you need them most. And friends are going to tell you when you look like shit, and smell like it. We don't beat around the bush." She swung the door to the staff room open, leaving me alone. I dipped my head to meet the table, resting.

Well, that helped. I couldn't blame her anyhow.

Iris had worked with me for the past year, and knew exactly how and what to do when I felt like this. Even if it meant criticizing me.

"Do I really smell?" I muttered to myself. "She must seriously hate my new perfume."

"Estella! Your break is over!" The door burst open, and in walked Max, also known as 'the nuisance.' "I hate to break up your meeting with-" he pointed at my coffee cup. "-That, but there are three tables that need their order taken. Care to get your lazy ass up and work?"

I stared at him bluntly. "No."

He smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand, then returned a frightened look. "Stell! Carla made me get you to get out. If I don't, she'll murder me. You'll be devastated if I die!"

"Do you want to see Christmas?"

He smiled. "You know what? Stay right here and continue your date with your coffee. I'll go and tell Carla that you refused. I guess being murdered by her is better than being tortured endlessly by you." Good point.

I nodded.

He grinned sheepishly. "You sure I can't get you to change your mind?"

When I didn't answer, he took that as his cue to leave. "I'll be off then. Have a great date with your espresso. It's the only date you'll ever have anyway." He flashed me a teasing grin before leaving, not bothering to shut the door.

I rolled my lips together, furious. I hate him.

No, I don't. And plus, he's right. I'll never be able to date again.


"Have a great weekend, guys! I've already sent your paychecks to your accounts, so you don't have to worry about coming to collect it on Monday."

Carole was giving us our usual end-of-the-week goodbye-lecture. I leaned on one of the booths, my arms crossed over my chest. She talks too peppily. What could she possibly be happy about?

"Bye everyone! Oh! Estella, a word please." A word with Carla didn't only mean an hour-long talk about the priorities of keeping my customers happy, but it also meant serious business. I was almost positive my facial expression resembled that of a five-year-old child about ready to be scolded by his parents for taking a cookie before dinner. The other employees gave me apologetic glances as they left. Where was Iris? She must have been still inside.

Max was the only one who talked. Scratch that- he pretended to whisper in my ear. A lot louder than expected: "I feel bad for you. She talks like a broken water faucet. Non-stop."

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