Moving to a new place

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Stacy's POV

I'm on the road to a new place in England. Calin. Nothing could stop me from moving. I can't go back, as much as I want to. Bump bump. I jump up out of my seat and land again, hurting my rump.


Are we there yet?

Not yet, but almost..

Hey Stacy?

Yes Nick?

You nervous?

Kinda, why?

Cause I'm kinda nervous too.

I hate waiting. This has to be worth it though, right? Why waste 3 hours of sitting the car if the place isn't nice? So it has to be worth it.

Hey Mom, are we here?

Yes Stacy. And Nick, help me unload the car

Dad, you've been quiet the whole ride. Are you ok?

Yes Stacy, now just in the house for now ok?

Ok Dad.

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