Chapter Twelve - 1

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The twin casinos were some of the biggest and most extravagant buildings that Z9 had ever been into. They were forty stories high, with the top three being reserved as private suites for the owners. Music piped everywhere so that it seemed to deafen without taking over your thoughts. Upon initially entering through the great gates of the pyramids, Z9 thought that she wouldn't even be able to think properly, so dense was the beat and pulse being pumped into her every fibre, but she soon realised that she didn't even feel it, and after a few seconds, couldn't even tell that the music was there. It was atmosphere, and nothing more.

In the lobby area, the floor a grand mosaic of diamonds and precious jewels in the shape of a blood red poker chip and the ceiling an aquarium with assorted fish and marine life from across the Empire, a hatchway stood at the side. Walking into the centre of the poker chip, which was about fifty feet in diameter, she watched two men hand over a card and a second later it was returned through the hatch, along with a box of chips.

'How much is on the card you gave me?' Z9 asked; extracting a similar card to the one the men had handed over from her bra.

'Enough,' Gina One said. Z9 frowned, knowing that by 'enough', Gina One meant 'the bare minimum'. Z9 walked over to the hatch, her dress sending off showers of glittering light, and put on her best smile.

'I'd like to exchange this,' she said, sliding the card under the small gap beneath the reinforced glass. The card vanished, and Z9 took the opportunity to look around the lobby area for any signs of her target. None.

The card slid back under, and a box came with it. She looked into the box, saw it loaded with chips (but not as many as she'd hoped, even with the low estimate), and she began to walk off before stopping and returning to the hatch. She knew that it was see-through from the opposite side, so that the lobby could be seen but whoever was behind the hatch couldn't.

'I'm looking for an associate of mine,' Z9 said, pulling out her Halo-Core. She projected an image of Dogra from it, and held it close to the glass. 'Have you seen him here recently?'

There was a small pause as whoever was behind the glass obviously racked their brains for an answer. 'Yes,' they said, 'about an hour ago. Said he was going to the blackjack tables.'

'Thank you, miss,' Z9 said.

'That's a mister, to you,' came the reply. Z9 bowed in apology, and made her way into the main casino.

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