Chapter 4

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Destiny's Pov Continued

Ryland. For some reason I liked the sound of that.

"Tell me about him" I said curiously.

"Well he's the gamma and very strong. He came here a few years back and got the position very quickly. Why do you ask?" she said curiously.

"No reason" I told her.

It couldn't be him. There was no way I could be mated to a gamma. I was a regular pack member and wouldn't be paired with someone with such high status. I immediately put the thought out of my mind. Whoever this Ryland was couldn't be my mate.

Marilyn's POV

I smiled at him. I knew Ryland loved me. I believed him when he told me he was just having an off day. As long as there was nothing seriously wrong I was fine. I sure if it was he would have told me.

We spent the rest of the day lounging just as he said. We ate, we slept, gave each other massages and simply relaxed. Neither of us wanted to cook so we ordered take out.

The next morning he woke up earlier than usual.

"Where are your going so early?" I asked him still tired with my eyes closed.

"I forgot to tell you. I have to be up earlier since we have to train longer and harder. Alpha Marcus is making the announcement later today. I'm going to meet with him a few others to go over the details"  he explained.

"Any idea why?" I asked sitting up. It was unusual to make those type of changes unless we were planning an attack or someone was planning to attack us.

"He didn't say and of course no one questioned him. I guess if there is something to tell he will tell us all eventually" he said kissing me on the forehead and leaving. I sighed and hug my pillow closer. I suppose he was right. The alpha would tell us if there any real danger.

Daniel's POV

I woke up the morning after the party with a massive headache. I got up to go get some aspirin only to find a random girl laying next to me. 

This was precisely the reason I hated partying and drinking. I always ended up doing something I regretted and it usually involved some girl. I shuttered to think what my mate would think of me when I finally found her. If I could do it all over again I would definitely save myself for her. I only hoped she would forgive me.

I gently shook her awake. "Hey, wake up. You have to leave" I told her.

"Leave? But why? " she groaned. I ran my fingers through my hair, I hated this part.

"Look I don't mean to be rude but I only want my mate. I haven't found her yet but I will one day and I'm not interested in getting involved with anyone else. Sorry if I sound like a jerk I just don't want to lead you on" I explained.

She looked at me stunned.

"That has go to be one of the sweetest things I ever heard. I respect that you want your mate. She' ll be lucky to have you. Don't worry I'm not some psycho stalker chick that's going to try to steal you away. It's just nice to meet a gentleman for change. Most of them just kick me out after" she said gathering her things and getting dressed.

"Why do you do it? Sleep with random guys I mean. I know I don't know anything about you and forgive me if I offended you. I'm just curious I guess" I asked her interested to hear the answer.

She stared at me for awhile before she answered.

"To be honest I don't know" she said walking out the door.

I locked the door behind her and made my way to the medicine cabinet. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some water and downed the aspirin. I cooked some breakfast and decided to take a shower.

My memory of last night slowly came back as the warm water hit me. I remembered everything from the time I left. I even remembered meeting the girl and how we ended up her. However none of that mattered much. The one thing that seemed to interest was the girl who kissed me after pouring her heart out. I didn't know who she was or how she knew my name. All I knew is that she had a jackass for a mate. I never met her mate but I got a bad vibe. My wolf and I hated him, it was strange.

I remember thinking to myself that night that I would see the girl again although I didn't know how it would be possible. I wasn't attracted to her. Although she was pretty, she wasn't my mate. I just felt that we may have something in common, a connection of some sort. I just couldn't figure it out. Whatever it was, I knew it would change my life forever.

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