Soulmates Pt. 1

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You know those random bruises or cuts that you get and you don't know where they came from ? What about those random pains that you don't know how but you just get ? Well I got the answer to all those questions. It was * le drumroll * yourrrrrrRrrr (lol that random capital R) SOULMATE !!

Yeah. And like when you get a bruise that just won't disappear until like 2 weeks later it's Bc your soulmate got a worse injury.
Literally idk. This just randomly came into my mind one day a few years ago Bc I had a bruise on my leg that just wouldn't go away and like at one point it just kept getting worse and I was just like "what is this life that I live ??" Anyways this is gonna be filled with a bunch of weird and random theories that might just be so crazy that they actually could be true.

Random theories that I have Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant