People Pt. 1

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Okay so I have a headache. Mainly Bc I don't sleep well and I have a theory for that too but that's not what this chapters about. This one is about how you sometimes get these random headaches that have no purpose and they leave and come back but you don't know why it's there. Well I think it could be Bc somebody is just thinking a little too hard about you. It could be somebody close to you. Somebody that just admires you from a far. A friend maybe. Or somebody who's never met you but you are their definition of a perfect partner and they fantasize about you ( not like that you perv ..... Unless you enjoy that thought but that's not what I meant ) throughout their day Bc you just make them happy even tho they have no idea that you are a real person and not a figment of their imagination. And they jus sit there, or stand, or walk, or lay --- okay I'm getting sidetracked. Anyways they just think about you so much and so hard that you feel it from however far away you are from them.

Welp. That's all I have on this. Actually that's a lie, never mind. I have a lot on this but it falls into different categories and has different parts sometimes. Okay. I'm leaving now.

Random theories that I have Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant