Chapter 1: Yoseob

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"You're an idiot, you know that?"

"Yes... I actually do know that... but it was for the best."

"For the best? If it was for the best, then why is it that you're crying?"

"Hm...? I'm not crying."

"You're crying on the inside."

"I told you already, I'm not--"

"-- Dumbass."


"Yes, you are! Have you forgotten already? I AM YOU!"

I stood there for a moment, staring mindlessly into the eyes of the guy looking back at me. He was right. The man on the other side of this crystal mirror was indeed me. How long has it been since I stood here, arguing with myself? Why am I even here?
"Yoseob-ah~! What are you doing in there?"
"Yeah, hyung! I know your stomach hurts, but try not to die on the toilet. You're going to miss Jessica's wedding."
Those were the voices of Gikwang and Dongwoon. I knew those voices anywhere. I sighed before opening the bathroom door and glaring at Dongwoon.

"Mwo?! Me? Die on a toilet?? Yah~!!" I raised the corner of my lip and flashed my death stare at my saeng as I walked out of the bathroom. Gikwang just stood there in the background smiling his really wide smile. This was one of the reasons I loved my beastly bros. They really knew how to cheer me up.

I looked at my phone. It was 2:47PM.
"What's going on right now," I asked Gikwang.

"They're exchanging their vows."


"Oh? Is that all you have to say?"

My eyes instantly locked onto the guy standing just past Woonie and AJ. He always wore a pair of dark, tinted shades that seemed to always be glued to his face 24/7 and he held a can of Coca-Cola in his right hand.

"Junhyung...," was all that I could manage.

"Babo-ya..." He walked in between AJ and Woonie so that he was standing directly in front of me and removed his shades to make eye contact with me.

"Look. If you don't stop this wedding, you might just regret this for the rest of your life."
"Hyung, do you think yelling I OBJECT will make me feel any better? Do you think it will not make me feel regretful? If I did that, I would make an ass out of myself and embarrass Jessica. I don't want that."

"Is this what you want?!" Junhyung gestured his hand holding his coke towards the direction of the wedding ceremony, spilling soda here and there on the white marble floor of the wedding hall.

"NO!" The word erupted from my chest, much stronger than I intended.

With that, I softened my glare and muttered a quick 'Mianhae" to my hyung.

"Let's just head to the wedding hall and get this all over with so we can just go home."
After saying that, I began to walk to the wedding hall when Junhyung's next words stabbed through me.
"You're too soft." He put his shades back on and tempestuously brushed his shoulder against mine as he strolled past. Gikwang's hand patted my back, followed by the maknae's.

"Let's go," I heard Gik say.


"You're too soft."

My hyung's words just echoed through my mind.

The more I tried to ignore it, the more louder the echo. I stared on, trying not to look upset that the guy standing up at the alter next to Sica wasn't me.

"Gongchan, do you take Jessica as your wife, whom you vow to love, protect, and cherish, in sickness and in health?"

"I do!" He grinned cockily as he eyed his bride. The guy said the words so fast that the crowd couldn't help but laugh. Everyone except for me and my fellow BEAST members. Looking up there, I saw that Jessica was gushing. Like, she was REALLY gushing. She was happy.

I clenched my teeth tightly to the point I thought that my jaw would snap.

Was she ever this happy with me? Just trying to find the answer made me even more upset.

"Jessica, do you take Gongchan as your husband, whom you vow to love, protect, and cherish in sickness and in health?" Everyone waited for a few seconds. The silence was killing me! I started to think that maybe, just maybe, I had a chance. But Jessica didn't even look at me, not once since this event started.

"I do."

That was all I needed to hear. Those two words were all that it took to sever the thin red rope that loosely tied me and her together. I wanted to yell and flip a table or maybe even four of them onto Gongchan for taking my girl.

Just as Gongchan stepped towards Sica to kiss her, I stormed out of the wedding hall. By the time I made it outside, I could hear a loud wave of applause and shouts of joy. I felt a feeling that I haven't felt since I was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules. I took off in a direction that would get me far away from this hell. I didn't know where I was going. The only thing I knew was that I wanted to die.

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