Chapter 6: Yoseob II

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My eyes fluttered opened, and as they did so, I squinted, trying to block out the sunlight.

My head was throbbing, and I couldn't quite figure out why. Then it hit me.

Gina popped my in the head with a giant spoon last night. I sat up in the bed I happened to pass out on. My eyes found a scribbled letter next to me, one that I'm sure Gina left because Tokki most definitely wouldn't have. I picked up the little note and read it.

'Yoseob. I had an appointment this morning. Please help yourself to the food in the kitchen, just be sure to clean up afterwards and once again, I'm so sorry about last night! By the way, could you please feed Tokki?? Thanks!! 😋

-- Gina.'

I smirked a bit at the last bit. Noona could be pretty cute at times. I stretched and stood up, making my way to the kitchen. I served Tokki his food and then went to the restroom to freshen myself up before petting Tokki as he ate.

"Must be nice having someone to wait at home while you're at work, noona," I said to myself, then I stood up, took one last glance around the apartment and left out the front door.

Hours passed, but I found my way home. I properly showered and changed then grabbed some leftover stew my mom cooked a few days ago and kicked back on the couch. There I was, watching (not watching) tv when I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and answered.



Wendy. She was a friend of Jessica's back when I used to date Sica... That is, before she married Gongchan. After Sica started going out with Gong, she and Wendy fell apart, for reasons unknown to me. I cleared my throat.

"Hey, Wendy, how are you?"

"I am fine. I was wondering if you were okay. I know things must be a bit difficult for you so I wanted to check up on you."

I closed my eyes briefly. It was difficult trying to forget someone under the condition of everyone reminding you of the one you wanted to forget. "I am okay. I know I just need time."

She exhaled on the other end of the phone. "Okay. I suppose that's a start. But promise me you will talk to me when you need me, alright? I'll be checking in on you often."

I smiled sheepishly. "Yes, ma'am. I'll be sure to keep in touch, Wen."

The call ended. I sighed and picked up my bowl and spoon about to scoop another bite into my mouth when my phone started to ring again.

Junhyung? I picked up my phone and answered it.


"Yoseob, come see me. We got work to do." Call ended.

Well, I guess I wasn't going to get over my hangover the easy way.

Time flew by and as soon as I knew it, I was with Junhyung at his place, going over lyrics for the songs of the upcoming album he had in store for me. The aspiring album was nicely executed, and it made me doubt if I could really pull this solo debut off. However, I needed a distraction from my pass break up, and Junhyung knew that as well. He had the remedy, but it came at a price. The price of my freedom for the next several months.

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