Chapter 7

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Three months passed and there Yoseob stood in front of a lean Korean man, drenched in sweat.

"One more round?"

"I'm game," Yoseob answered the man who was called Jang Hyuk.

Jang Hyuk was a well-known celebrity MMA fighter and Korean celebrity personal trainer in Kickboxing. He taught students in a palace, uplifted by blood, sweat and more sweat.

The two guys paced back and forth across the mat, moving quickly, dodging and delivering a good set of blows to one another.

"Alright, let's call it a day." Jang Hyuk, took off his gloves and sat down besides a worn out Yoseob who plopped down at the edge of the boxing ring. He passed YS a water bottle and opened one for himself and guzzled it down halfway. "So what do you think of Kickboxing?"

Yoseob opened the bottle and paused for a moment. "You know, Jang-hyung, I really didn't know what to think of it, but honestly I feel good doing it. After a good match I get tired, but strangely enough, I don't get tired of the sport. It's addicting. I actually like coming back for more. I never thought that getting the mess beat out of me would feel this great."

Jang Hyuk laughed. "You almost sound like a--"

"I'm not a masochist, hyung," Yoseob said with a grin. "I just... it's hard to explain. I feel like my worries melt away when I come here."

"That's because you beat your worries out of your poor trainer," said Jang Hyuk, pretending to cry.

Yoseob patted his back roughly. "There, there."

"Yoseob, I know you came here a couple months ago just to try it out, but I noticed how much you've grown to like kickboxing. It's not just a sport, it's an art and a lifestyle. I get people from all around the world and from different backgrounds. People want me to train them under many different circumstances, which I do not mind. But you, I see that, like some of my students, you have a passion for MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). Please feel free to drop by anytime, any day. My gym is opened to you whenever you may need it."

"Wow..." Yoseob scratched his head. "I-.... I don't know what to say, hyung. I guess I should start off by saying thank you. That really means a lot to me."

"Don't sweat it.... By the way isn't there somewhere you have to be," he studied Yoseob for a moment.

Yoseob jumped up. "Oh, yeah! I got to go!" He dashed into the locker room and showered before changing back into his casual clothes. "I have to film for the music video today. Wish me luck, eung (yeah)," Yoseob said on his way out of the door.

"Kinda hard wishing you luck if you're already out the -- aish, Good luck, kid!" Jang hyuk stood with his arms crossed as Yoseob left.

In record time, YS was already on the set for Caffeine. He had already finished the recording for the song and was just starting the filming of the music video. The stylists concluded their finishing touches on him and he was soon ready to begin his journey of a tragic breakup all over again.

 The stylists concluded their finishing touches on him and he was soon ready to begin his journey of a tragic breakup all over again

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Junhyung approached Yoseob. "Are you ready for this, Seob?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Junhyung smiled. "You know I want to thank you again for doing this for me. I really appreciate it." He patted Yoseob on the shoulder and smiled once he saw the actress that would be in the music video with Yoseob and himself. "Ah, there she is."

Yoseob followed Junhyung's gaze to the woman.

"Bro? Ah, mwoya?! She somewhat looks like her," Yoseob exclaimed.

Junhyung laughed. "Only the hair but maybe you'll get into character more by her having similar hair."

"Ah, hyung," Yoseob laughed. I am gradually getting over Sica. Why you do this to me?"

"Hey," Junhyung laughed in return. "I'm not the casting director or the stylists. I just go with the flow."

"Whatever", Yoseob said. "Let's go, the director is calling us over."

The two of them walked over to the director with the female lead and conversed for a while.

"Yoseob-ssi, to make things more interesting we decided to give you a kiss scene, that'll really make the fan girls go wild," announced the Director.

"A kiss scene?" The words escaped his mouth as he stared at the director is surprise, a grin slowly made its way across Junhyung lips.

The director mimicked Junhyung's smile and winked at Yoseob. "Pucker up."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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