Chapter 1

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I woke up that morning with a big smile on my face. Today was the day I start work on The Voice.

I had been dreading and also anticipating the day we started filming. I had done my fair share of research on the show and it felt like something I was interested in.

I toss off my covers and put on my slippers. I make my way downstairs and greet Holly as I open the fridge door, her red hair glowing in the sunlight behind her.

"Morning, girlie! You ready for the big day?" she inquires. She is stuffing her face with an omelette she had made herself from what I could make of the mess on the stove.

"As ready as I will ever be!" I laugh. I grab a glass and the orange juice bottle. "Shit, I'm going to be late on my first day!" I announce.

I quickly chug down the glass of orange juice and chuck a piece of bread in the toaster. As soon as it popped up, I grab it and stuff it in my mouth without hesitation. It wasn't so satisfying without any jam.

"Jess, Jess. You need to calm down, you have a good half hour" she explains.

"Half an hour is as long as my showers!" I tell her. I run upstairs and quickly shower. I put on my clothes and I am out the door in a flash.

I finally arrive at the studio and go straight to hair and makeup. I notice I am the only one here. Of course.

After about 10 minutes the three boys, Tom, Will and Danny, walk in the hair and makeup department.

"Took your sweet time!" I joke. I stand up and walk over to Tom and Will and give them both a hug.

"Good to see you as well, love" an Irish accent teases me. It's Danny. I had previously met him at a concert not too long ago but haven't really seen him much since then. He has gorgeous dark eyes and messy brown hair. He is a very tall man! He goes into hug me. I can't help but notice how good he smells.

Next thing I know, we are being pulled into the stage to be seated. The crowd begins to file in one by one and the seats are totally filled up.

The auditions finally start. A few pass by, one by one, and we each get our pick of the lot. During one of the auditions, I look over to Danny. He seems to be in his own little world, nodding his head to the beat of the music. I turn back just as Danny calls over to the other coaches.

"Beautiful, are you guys going to go?" he asks. I look back over to him, before telling him that he was the best coach for him. He gives me a wink and goes to push his button.

This is going to be a great season, I can tell already.

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