Chapter 3

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Will and Tom have just left the pub, leaving Danny and I to our own devices.

" about this pub, huh?" he finally says. I can see him kicking himself after that totally uninspiring comment.

"Yeah, it seems pretty cool" I notice others staring at us. I'm unsure as to whether it's because we are somewhat 'famous' or that they can sense the awkward-ness between us as well.

"So, what have you been up to of late?" he asks, taking sips of his beer in-between. He finally makes some kind of eye contact with me.

"I've been busy with writing music and such. Nothing too interesting. Still single" I explain. His eyes are gorgeous. Our stare holds for a few moments before I look away.

"Better than what I've been up to. Fighting with Irma isn't exactly a happy time in my life. A breakup is inevitable" I can see him fiddle nervously with his fingers. It must really be worrying him. I know how much he loves her, this must be the most difficult time for him. I'll be there for him, even though we only saw each other again for the first time in months.

It doesn't seem so awkward anymore. We continue to talk about relationships and Irma. He seems to be loosening up to me again. That makes me really happy. He is a really lovely man and doesn't deserve this sadness.

I find his hand reach over the table to grab mine. "Thank you for staying, Jess. I know it's been a while since talking, but I feel like we only saw each-other yesterday. You have really helped me with Irma and everything else" he says, looking deeply into my eyes. I am totally flustered.

" problem, Danny" I manage to say. He seems a bit out of it. Maybe he has had too much to drink?

Next thing I knew he was leaning in with his lips puckered up about to crash into mine. I lean backwards, avoiding our touch. Danny opens his eyes and looks into mine.

"I'm so sorry.. I...I just don't know what to do anymore. She's...going to leave me" he cries with tears steaming down his cheeks. "I'm sorry...I'm..." he mutters. He puts his head down on the table and cries even harder.

I get up off my side of the booth and sit down next to Danny. I hold him close to me. "It's going to be okay. I promise" I assure him, not entirely sure of what will come of all of this. I just need to get him home and safe now.

I grab his hand and we make out way to his car. I get in behind the steering wheel and put him in the passenger's seat beside me.

"I'm going to take you home now, okay?" I tell him. Suddenly he grabs my hand.

"Please...please come home with me and stay with me a while. I just need someone...I need you Jess. I don't want to be alone right now" He is now clutching at my hand with both of his. He is really a mess right now. Maybe leaving him alone isn't the greatest idea.

"Irma... She's gone away for a job this weekend so you don't have to worry about her. Please, just for a while" he says. I grab his hands with my other hand.

"Okay...okay I'll stay for a little while" I finally say.

We then begin to make the trip back to Danny's house for the night, with Danny holding my hand the whole way back.

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