The beginning

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One day I felt as if there was a golf ball up my ass. My mom kept telling me it was nothing but after days went by I couldn't handle it anymore and made my mom take me to the doctor. The doctor said I had An abscessed, apparently it was unusual for a girl my age to have this. They see it in a lot of babies but not 13 year olds. All they said was "take a hot bath and see if it pops" so every night I took a hot bath and nothing would happen. I went back to the doctor a week later they said I needed to have minor surgery. Where they cut the abscessed open and drain it all out then stitch up. I was in the hospital for about a week. It wasn't that painful but my ass hurt like a bitch. After staying there for a week my doctor contacted my parents and told them it would be best to have a colonoscopy. This was the scariest shit I've ever heard as a 13 year old. A colonoscopy is where you put a camera up your butt to take pictures and tube down your throat for God knows what. To prepare the colonoscopy was the worst thing I can ever do. I had to fast starting from 9 at night until the afternoon. Not only that I had to put this awful tasting powder in water so I can clear everything out of my system. 3 bottles of the most disgusting powder water ever. The day after, I got to the hospital and was ready to get my colonoscopy .... great.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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