God's Behest

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In the year 871 AD a man fell from the sky and crashed into earth in a smoldering inferno. The crater he made smoked as he lay there staring up into the sky. He stood naked with the snow peaked mountains at his back. You could see the steam rise from his body like barely visible smoke. As he walked the steam seemed to rose from his body and followed him nearly until he reached the village nearby where he crashed.

As he walked through the front gate people stared. Unaware of who he was the men grasped their sword hilts and axe handles. He stumbled in through the town and collapsed near the village center. As he fell the men gathered around him and unsheathed their weapons.

When he awoke he was tied to a pole in the center of the town. They had people surrounding him with weapons drawn. He could feel the hostility from the crowd.

Grubash: Who are you? A spy from Karnstaad? A man fleeing the law? A warrior?

Fallen man: I don't know

Ulfred: How do you not know! You are a man are you not? Then you must know who you are

Fallen man: All I know is that I woke up in a hole and I walked here

Grubash: What are you hiding? Who are you?!?!

Grubash swings at the man and he hits him square in the jaw. The hit whips his head back against the pole. The fallen man looks back up at him again. And looks him in the eyes.

Fallen man: Warrior

Ulfred: Warrior huh? You come to fight all of us...by yourself

Fallen man: No. I have no idea where I am

Ulfred: So you came here for what?

Fallen man: Sanctuary, friends

Grubash: Hmph. Well how do we know that you are a friend

Fallen man: I--I don't know. I guess you'll find out when you untie me

Ulfred ponders freeing him weighing the options. Then he takes his axe out and swings it at the pole cutting the ropes and freeing the man. The fallen man stands up. Completely unashamed of his naked body as he walks with the men.

Ulfred: No sense of modesty

Fallen man: No. Just nothing to wear

The fallen man walks ahead them as they point him towards the longhouse. Grubash looks at the fallen mans back and notices two giant identical scars on both sides by his shoulder blades. He then points them out to Ulfred.

Grubash:*whispers* you see the marks

Ulfred: Yes they are quite gruesome. Looks like someone burned him

Grubash: But the same marks, how could two burns look so similar

Ulfred: What happened to your back?

Fallen man: What do you mean?

Ulfred: The scars

Fallen man: Didn't know I had any

The men all puzzled. The continued on not asking anymore questions. They arrived at the Longhouse, the home of their leader. The building was made of giant logs so big Giants must have helped carry them. And the walls decorated with the heads of wolves and bears from many hunts. They walked in to see him and his wife sitting in the chairs of their throne room. The leader stood up and stared at the fallen man.

Jarl Hworkin: Who is this naked stranger in my home?

Ulfred: He says he's a friend. He's a warrior from...we don't know where

Jarl Hworkin: Who are you?

Fallen man: I don't know who I am or where I am from. But I mean you or your people no harm

Jarl Hworkin: Hmmm. So you don't know who you are? Ah then we shall give you a name

Fallen man: As you wish

Jarl Hworkin: You shall be named, Orrin

Orrin: That is better than a man with no name

Jarl Hworkin: So now that you have a name, but no home. You may live here, but you need to help with our society

Orrin: If it means a place to live then I will do my best

Grubash: He said he's a warrior

Jarl Hworkin: Then let us test his mettle

Orrin is lead outside to a large sand circle encompassed by large logs. The arena's white sand had splashes of red all around. They send Orrin in with nothing more than an axe and his loincloth. Another man enters in opposite him. The man is not too impressive, but according to Ulfred he's one of the better hunters.

Lokir: This is a battle both of these men wish to fight for our great Jarl. But only the best may fight for our people. So this will be a battle to the death, it doesn't end until the one man is dead.

The arena grows quiet. The hunter lifts up his shield and sword. Orrin stands still waiting for the man to approach. The hunter runs forth, shield out in front of him and slams into Orrin. Orrin is knocked over onto his back. The hunter swings his sword downward at Orrin. But he misses as Orrin rolls sideways and kicks him off. They both get back to their feet. The hunter runs back at Orrin and slashes him in the stomach. Everyone sees the hit, but Orrin seems unfazed. Orrin looks down seeing no blood from the hunters attack. The hunter is astonished. Then Orrin cleaves the hunter deep into his neck breaking his collarbone and splitting his shoulder down to his ribs. Blood gushes out and drips down the hunters body and onto Orrin's axe. It grows silent and all you can hear is the hunter get hit the ground.

Ulfred: Well, I guess we have our winner

Jarl Hworkin: So, a warrior is what you'll be then. The gods have chosen his path. Just as they have for many of us

Warrmen: Are you serious? Noble warriors and countrymen, are you all seriously considering bringing this outlander from odin knows where into our Village. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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